This is a complete list of available ESI PowerShell cmdlets, grouped by operation type. Within each group, the cmdlets are listed alphabetically. The syntax, parameters, and examples are provided for each cmdlet.
To get the same information, type Get-Help at the PowerShell command prompt.
get-help <cmdlet name> -full
virtualization operations
Connect-EmcSystem: Connects or adds host, cluster and storage systems to ESI.
Disable-EmcPublisherCertificateValidation: Disables server SSL certificate validation when using SSL to communicate with the specified ESI Service.
Enable-EmcPublisherCertificateValidation: Enables server SSL certificate validation when using SSL to communicate with the specified ESI Service.
Disconnect-EmcClusterSystem: Disconnects cluster systems.
Disconnect-EmcHostSystem: Disconnects host systems.
Disconnect-EmcStorageSystem: Disconnects storage systems.
Disconnect-EmcSystem: Disconnects cluster, host, and storage systems.
Get-EmcClusterSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection string or BLOB, based on the specified parameters.
Get-EmcLinuxHostSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection or system object creation parameters BLOB, which you can use along with the Connect-EmcSystem cmdlet to connect Linux host systems to ESI.
Get-EmcPublisherConnectionInfo: Gets the list of systems currently registered with the specified ESI Service.
Get-EmcPublisherEndpointOptions: Gets the current options used to connect to the specified ESI Service.
Get-EmcPublisherSupportedSystem: Gets all of the system types that are available for registration with the specified ESI Service.
Get-EmcHostSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection or system object creation parameters BLOB, which you can use along with the Connect-EmcSystem cmdlet to connect host systems to ESI.
Get-EmcStorageIntegratorVersion: Gets the specific software version of ESI that is installed.
Get-EmcStorageSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection or system object creation parameters BLOB, which is used along with the Connect-EmcSystem cmdlet to connect storage systems to ESI.
Get-EmcSupportedSystemsCreationRequirement: Gets the list of creational parameters required to add or connect to a system in ESI.
Publish-EmcPublisherUserConnectionInfo: Publishes the connection information for the specified system to the specified user.
Publish-EmcPublisherConnectionInfo: Publishes the connection information of the specified system to the specified ESI Service.
Set-EmcPublisherEndpointUrl: Sets the URL to the specified ESI Service on the current session.
Test-EmcSystemConnectedToBlockStorageSystem: Verifies the connectivity of a host system or replication system to a block storage system. This cmdlet only works with block storage systems of VMAX, VNX, and VNXe arrays.
Unpublish-EmcPublisherConnectionInfo: Unpublishes the connection information for the specified system to the specified ESI Service.
Update-EmcSystem: Updates the specified host, storage, or cluster systems.
Add-EmcStorageAccessControl: Adds the pool access information to the storage access control object.
Add-EmcVnxeLunGroupMember: Adds one or more members to a VNXe3200 LUN group.
Dismount-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Dismounts a VNXe3200 LUN or LUN group snapshot to prevent host access.
Expand-EmcFileBasedDisk: Expands the size of a file-based disk.
Expand-EmcLun: Expands the capacity of a LUN.
Export-EmcStorageAccessControl: Exports the storage access control information to a file.
Get-EmcLun: Gets the list of LUNs.
Get-EmcLunMaskingView: Gets a list of LUN masking views.
Get-EmcScsiLun: Gets the list of VMware SCSI LUNs.
Get-EmcSharedFolder: Gets the list of shared folders available from a CIFS storage system.
Get-EmcSnapshotPool: Gets the list of snapshot pools.
Get-EmcStandbyLun: Gets the list of available standby LUNs on VMAX storage systems.
Get-EmcStorageAccessControl: Queries the access types for a storage pool.
Get-EmcStoragePool: Gets the list of storage pools.
Get-EmcStorageRegisteredHost: Gets a list of registered hosts for a specified storage system.
Get-EmcStorageRegisteredInitiator: Gets the list of host initiators that are registered on the storage systems.
Get-EmcStorageServiceNode: Gets the list of storage service nodes.
Get-EmcStorageSystem: Gets the list of storage systems.
Get-EmcSupportedSystem: Gets the list of supported systems.
Get-EmcTargetPort: Gets the list of target ports.
Get-EmcVnxeFileSystem: Gets the file systems on connected VNXe3200 systems.
Get-EmcVnxeLunGroup: Gets VNXe3200 LUN groups.
Get-EmcVnxeLunGroupMember: Gets VNXe3200 LUN group members.
Get-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Gets VNXe3200 snapshots.
Get-EmcVNXFileStoragePool: Gets the list of VNX file storage pools used by the VNX storage system to provision shared folder pools.
Import-EmcStorageAccessControl: Imports storage access control from a file whose content is decrypted by a protection key.
Mount-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Mounts a VNXe LUN or LUN group snapshot so that it is visible to hosts that have been added to the snapshot access list for the LUN or LUN group.
New-EmcCifsSharedFolder: Creates a new CIFS shared folder object.
New-EmcLun: Creates a new ESI LUN object.
New-EmcStandbyLun: Creates one or more standby LUNs on a VMAX storage system.
New-EmcStorageAccessControl: Creates a storage access control object.
New-EmcStorageRegisteredHost: Registers a host for a specified storage system.
New-EmcStorageRegisteredInitiator: Registers a host initiator on a specified storage system.
New-EmcVnxeLunGroup: Creates a new LUN group on a VNXe3200 system.
New-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Creates a new snapshot on a VNXe3200 system.
New-EmcVnxSharedFolderPool: Creates a new VNX CIFS shared folder pool object.
Remove-EmcCifsSharedFolder: Removes or destroys the shared folder from the storage system.
Remove-EmcCifsSharedFolderMountPoint: Removes or unmounts a specified shared folder.
Remove-EmcFileBasedDisk: Deletes a file-based disk from a hypervisor.
Remove-EmcLun: Removes or destroys the LUN from the storage system.
Remove-EmcStandbyLun: Removes one or more standby LUNs from a VMAX storage system.
Remove-EmcStorageAccessControl: Removes the pool access information from the storage access control object.
Remove-EmcStorageRegisteredHost: Removes the registered host from the storage system where it is registered.
Remove-EmcStorageRegisteredInitiator: Removes the specified host initiator from the storage system where the initiator host is registered.
Remove-EmcVNXSharedFolderPool: Removes or destroys the shared folder pool for a specified VNX storage system.
Remove-EmcVnxeLunGroup: Deletes a LUN group from a VNXe3200 system.
Remove-EmcVnxeLunGroupMember: Removes one or more members from a LUN group.
Remove-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Deletes a snapshot from a VNXe3200 system.
Restore-EmcSnapshotLun: Restores the content of the source LUN from one of the snapshot LUNs.
Restore-EmcVnxeSnapshot: Restores a VNXe snapshot to its source.
Set-EmcCifsSharedFolderMountPoint: Mounts a shared folder onto a host system.
Set-EmcLun: Sets the storage service node for the specified LUN. For VMAX storage systems only, binds an unbound LUN to the specified pool. And for VNX storage systems only, sets the storage tiering policy and LUN compression and compression rate for the specified LUN.
Set-EmcLunAccess: Masks or unmasks a LUN to a host, a cluster, or an FC or iSCSI initiator.
Add-EmcFastVpPolicy: Adds or associates the specified storage group to the specified FAST VP policy.
Add-EmcLunsToVmaxStorageGroup: Adds one or more LUNs to the specified VMAX storage group. Clears the host disk signatures and assigns new ones.
Get-EmcFastVpPolicy: Gets the FAST VP policies that are associated with the specified storage system or VMAX storage group.
Get-EmcStorageTier: Gets the storage tiers in the specified storage system with the specified FAST VP policy.
Get-EmcVmaxStorageGroup: Gets all storage groups for the specified VMAX storage system.
New-EmcVmaxStorageGroup: Add LUNs to the specified VMAX storage group.
Remove-EmcFastVpPolicy: Removes the specified FAST VP policy from the specified storage groups.
Remove-EmcLunsFromVmaxStorageGroup: Removes LUNs from a VMAX storage group.
Remove-EmcVmaxStorageGroup: Deletes the specified storage group that is associated with the specified FAST VP Policy.
Add-EmcLunsToExistingCompositeLun: Adds unbound LUNs to existing metas or composite LUNs.
Add-EmcHostDiskToCluster: Adds a disk to a cluster.
Get-EmcAvailableCandidatesForLunComposition: Gets all the LUNs which are qualified to be a member LUN of the specified meta, meta volume, or composite LUN. If the specified Meta LUN is a stripe type, this cmdlet gets the unbound LUNs of the size same as the stripe size of the meta. If the meta is a concatenated meta or composite LUN, the cmdlet gets all unbound LUNs that are qualified to be a member LUN of the specified meta.
Get-EmcCompositeLun: Gets all composite LUNs from the specified storage system.
Get-EmcCompositeLunHead: Gets the metas or composite LUN heads from the specified storage system or specified meta or composite LUN member.
Get-EmcCompositeLunMember: Gets one or more meta or composite LUN members of the specified composite LUN head.
Get-EmcCompositeLunMemberSibling: Gets the meta or composite LUN member siblings of the specified composite LUN member.
Get-EmcUnboundLun: Gets all the unbound LUNs that are not bound to any storage pool from the specified storage system.
New-EmcCompositeLun: Creates a new meta or composite LUN from the specified LUNs. To compose or form a meta or composite LUN, requires at least two LUNs and the first LUN becomes the metahead. In case of a concatenated meta or composite LUN, the configuration head can be bound or unbound. All remaining members must be unbound.
Update-EmcCompositeLun: Updates the EMC meta or composite LUNs for the specified storage system or composite LUN head (metahead).
Add-EmcHostDiskToCluster: Adds a disk to a cluster.
Clear-EmcHostDiskSignature: Clears the host disk signatures and assigns new ones.
Expand-EmcHostVolume: Expands the volume of a host.
Find-EmcHostDisk: Finds the ESI Host Disk associated with an ESI LUN, host LUN identifier, or VM disk configuration on a host or cluster system.
Get-EmcAvailableDriveLetter: Gets the available drive letters on a host system or cluster system.
Get-EmcCifsNetworkShare: Gets the list of network shares used by a specified host.
Get-EmcClusterDisk: Gets the list of cluster disks.
Get-EmcClusterGroup: Gets the list of cluster groups.
Get-EmcClusterNode: Gets the list of cluster nodes.
Get-EmcClusterSystem: Gets connected cluster systems.
Get-EmcHostBusAdapter: Gets the list of host bus adapters for the specified hosts.
Get-EmcHostDisk: Gets the list of host disk objects.
Get-EmcHostLunIdentifier: Gets the host LUN identifier.
Get-EmcHostSystem: Gets connected host systems.
Get-EmcHostVolume: Gets the list of host volumes.
Initialize-EmcHostDisk: Initializes a host disk by bringing the disk online and setting a specified partition style in a host or cluster system.
New-EmcVolume: Creates a volume.
Remove-EmcHostDiskFromCluster: Removes a disk from a cluster.
Remove-EmcVolumeMountPoint: Removes or unmounts the specified volume.
Set-EmcHostDiskOnlineState: Changes the online state of the specified disk.
Set-EmcHostDiskReadonlyState: Changes the read-only state for the specified disk.
Set-EmcVolumeMountPoint: Sets the drive letter or mount path for the volume.
Hypervisor virtualization operations
Add-EmcFilebasedDiskToVirtualMachine: Adds or attaches a file-based disk to a virtual machine.
Add-EmcPassthroughDiskToVirtualMachine: Adds or attaches a pass-through disk to a virtual machine.
Add-EmcXenServerVirtualDisk: Adds a virtual disk image (VDI) to a virtual machine hosted on a XenServer.
Get-EmcAvailablePassthroughDiskCandidate: Gets the list of available pass-through disk candidates to attach or add to a virtual machine for a specified hypervisor.
Get-EmcAvailableScsiControllerLocation: Gets the list of available SCSI controllers for a virtual machine that you can use to attach file-based or pass-through disks.
Get-EmcDatastore: Gets the list of VMware datastores.
Get-EmcESXHost: Gets the list of VMware ESX hosts.
Get-EmcHyperVSystem: Gets the list of connected Hyper-V systems.
Get-EmcHyperVSystemCredential: Gets the credentials for Microsoft Hyper-V to connect ESI.
Get-EmcVcenterSystem: Gets the list of vCenter systems.
Get-EmcVirtualDiskConfiguration: Gets the virtual disk configuration for the specified host disk of a virtual machine, which can be either a file-based or pass-through disk.
Get-EmcVirtualMachineConfiguration: Gets the virtual machine configuration.
Get-EmcVirtualMachineHypervisor: Gets the virtual machine hypervisor.
Get-EmcVirtualMachineScsiController: Gets the SCSI controllers from the virtual machine configurations.
Get-EmcVMwareSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection parameters BLOB or the system object creation parameters for VMware systems.
Get-EmcXenServerHost: Gets the host information from a connected XenServer system.
Get-EmcXenServerStorageRepository: Gets storage repositories from a XenServer system.
Get-EmcXenServerSystem: Gets the connected XenServer system information.
Get-EmcXenServerSystemCredential: Gets a credential for a XenServer system.
Get-EmcXenServerVirtualDiskImage: Gets the virtual disk image (VDI) information from XenServer.
New-EmcDatastore: Creates a new datastore.
New-EmcFileBasedDisk: Creates a file-based disk for a specified hypervisor.
New-EmcXenServerStorageRepository: Creates the new XenServer storage repositories.
New-EmcXenServerVirtualDiskImage: Creates a new virtual disk image (VDI) for a storage repository from XenServer.
Remove-EmcDatastore: Deletes the specified datastore.
Remove-EmcVirtualDiskFromVm: Removes a file-based or pass-through disk from the virtual machine.
Remove-EmcXenServerStorageRepository: Removes a XenServer storage repository.
Remove-EmcXenServerVirtualDisk: Removes a virtual disk from the specified XenServer hosted virtual machine.
Remove-EmcXenServerVirtualDiskImage: Removes a virtual disk image (VDI) from a XenServer storage repository.
Add-EmcMailboxDatabaseCopy: Creates a passive copy of an existing active mailbox database.
Add-EmcClusterEntitiesForMailboxDatabase: Adds the cluster entities for a specified mailbox database.
Disable-EmcExchangeFailover: Disables failover on an exchange database availability group (DAG) that has been provisioned using ESI.
Dismount-EmcMailboxDatabase: Dismounts a database.
Enable-EmcExchangeFailover: Enables failover on an exchange database availability group (DAG) that has been provisioned using ESI.
Get-EmcDatabaseAvailabilityGroup: Gets the configuration settings, status, and other information about a database availability group (DAG).
Get-EmcExchangeCmdletOutput: Gets results of some standard Microsoft PowerShell cmdlets for Exchange. This is not an ESI cmdlet.
Get-EmcExchangePrimaryActiveManager: Gets the mailbox server in the database availability group (DAG), which is currently acting as the Primary Active Manager (PAM).
Get-EmcExchangeSystem: Gets the information about the Exchange system.
Get-EmcExchangeSystemCredential: Gets the encrypted connection string or BLOB. You can use this cmdlet with the Connect-EmcSystem cmdlet to connect or add host systems to ESI.
Get-EmcMailboxDatabase: Gets one or more mailbox database objects from a server, forest, or organization.
Get-EmcMailboxDatabaseCopy: Gets one or more mailbox database copy objects from a server or organization.
Get-EmcMailboxDatabaseCopyStatus: Gets the health and status information for one or more mailbox database copies.
Mount-EmcMailboxDatabase: Mounts a mailbox database on a mailbox database server.
Move-EmcActiveMailboxDatabase: Performs a mailbox database or server switchover.
Get-EmcMailboxServer: Gets the list of mailbox database servers. If no parameters are specified, it gets a complete list of the mailbox servers in the entire organization.
New-EmcMailboxDatabase: Creates a new mailbox database on the specified mailbox database server.
Remove-EmcClusterEntitiesForMailboxDatabase: Removes the cluster entities of the specified mailbox database.
Remove-EmcMailboxDatabase: Removes the mailbox from the Exchange database.
Remove-EmcMailboxDatabaseCopy: Removes a passive copy of a mailbox database.
Update-EmcHAExtension: Refreshes the database copy map on an Exchange database availability group (DAG) provisioned with ESI.
Dismount-EmcAppSyncCopy: Dismounts a specified copy of a SQL Server database or an Exchange database.
Get-EmcAppSyncCopy: Gets the copies of SQL Server databases or Exchange databases for the specified system.
Get-EmcAppSyncExchangeDatabase: Gets the Exchange databases for the specified system.
Get-EmcAppSyncExchangeServer: Gets the Exchange servers for the specified system.
Get-EmcAppSyncManifest: Gets the manifest information for the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncRegisteredHost: Gets the registered hosts for the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncRegisteredRecoverPointSystem: Gets the RecoverPoint systems that are registered with the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncRegisteredStorageSystem: Gets the storage systems that are registered with the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncServicePlan: Gets the service plans for the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncServicePlanSubscription: Gets the subscriptions for the specified service plan.
Get-EmcAppSyncSqlServerDatabase: Gets the SQL Server databases on the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncSqlServerInstance: Gets the SQL Server instances on the specified AppSync system.
Get-EmcAppSyncSystemAlert: Gets the alerts for the specified AppSync system.
Mount-EmcAppSyncExchangeDatabaseCopy: Mounts the specified Exchange database copy.
Mount-EmcAppSyncSqlServerDatabaseCopy: Mounts the specified SQL Server database copy.
New-EmcAppSyncExchangeDatabaseCopy: Protects the specified Exchange database by making a copy according to the criteria set by the specified service plan.
New-EmcAppSyncServicePlanSubscription: Creates the specified SQL Server database or Exchange database subscription to the specified service plan.
New-EmcAppSyncSqlServerDatabaseCopy: Protects the specified SQL Server database by making a copy according to the criteria set by the specified service plan.
Remove-EmcAppSyncCopy: Expires the specified SQL Server database copy or Exchange database copy.
Remove-EmcAppSyncServicePlanSubscription: Removes the specified subscription.
Restore-EmcAppSyncExchangeDatabaseCopy: Restores the source Exchange database by using the specified copy.
Restore-EmcAppSyncSqlServerDatabaseCopy: Restores the source SQL Server database by using the specified copy.
Disable-EmcReplicaCopy: Disables a replica copy to stop the replication of that copy.
Disable-EmcReplicaCopyImageAccess: Disables a replica copy image access so that it is not available for mounting, and replication changes are again propagated to the copy.
Disconnect-EmcReplicationService: Disconnects replication services.
Enable-EmcReplicaCopy: Enables a replica copy to start replication on that copy.
Enable-EmcReplicaCopyImageAccess: Enables a replica copy image access so that it can be available for mounting. Replication changes are not propagated to the copy while image access is enabled.
Get-EmcConsistencyGroup: Retrieves consistency groups that are used to protect LUNs.
Get-EmcReplicaCopy: Gets the list of replica copies that specify the copies within a consistency group.
Get-EmcReplicaCopySnapshots: Gets the list of snapshots for the specified replica copy.
Get-EmcReplicaLink: Gets the list of replica links that specify the replication connection and direction between two replica copies within a consistency group.
Get-EmcReplicaLun: Gets the replica LUNs for replication.
Get-EmcReplicaSet: Gets replica sets that contain the LUNs for the replication of source LUNs.
Get-EmcReplicationService: Gets the list of replication services. The replication service is the primary object for managing replication clusters, sites, and systems.
Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster: Gets the list of replication clusters, which contains all of the replication sites and systems in a replication service.
Get-EmcReplicationServiceCredential: Gets the encrypted connection string or BLOB. You can use this cmdlet along with the Connect-EmcSystem cmdlet to connect or add replication services to ESI.
Get-EmcReplicationServiceSite: Gets the list of replication sites, which contains all of the replication systems in the site.
Get-EmcReplicationSystem: Gets the list of replication systems. A replication system is an individual replication appliance that performs and facilitates replication.
Move-EmcProductionReplicaCopy: Performs a permanent failover to the specified replica copy, and then the copy becomes the new production copy.
New-EmcBookmark: Creates a bookmark for a specified consistency group.
New-EmcConsistencyGroup: Creates a new consistency group, which is a group of one or more replica sets.
New-EmcParallelBookmark: Creates a bookmark for more than one consistency group.
New-EmcReplicaCopy: Creates a new replica copy for a consistency group.
New-EmcReplicaLink: Creates a new replica link between two replica copies.
New-EmcReplicaSet: Creates a new replica set for a consistency group.
Remove-EmcConsistencyGroup: Deletes a consistency group and removes all associated resources for that consistency group.
Remove-EmcReplicaCopy: Deletes a replica copy from a consistency group and removes and masks LUNs for that replica copy.
Remove-EmcReplicaSet: Deletes a replica set from a consistency group and removes and masks LUNs for that replica set.
Set-EmcRecoverProductionCopy: Recovers a production copy by using the specified replica copy.