Add unbound LUNs to existing metas or composite LUNs.
Add-EmcLunsToExistingCompositeLun -LunsToAddToCompositeLun <Lun[]> -CompositeLunHead <Lun> [-Name <String>] [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]
-LunsToAddToCompositeLun <Lun[]>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the list of ESI LUN objects. You can get the object with the storage system object or Get-EmcLun cmdlet. You can get unbound LUNs with the Get-EmcUnboundLun cmdlet.
-CompositeLunHead <Lun>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI LUN object. You can get the LUN object with the Get-EmcCompositeLunHead cmdlet.
-Name <String>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the new LUN name or rename of the composite LUN or metahead.
-Silent <SwitchParameter>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Turns off all informational and verbose messages. It still displays errors.
This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.
-------------- Example 1 --------------
C:\PS>Getting Storage System
$storage= Get-EmcStorageSystem *480
C:\PS>$lun1 = New-EmcLun -StorageSystem $storage -Name mm1 -Capacity 1GB
C:\PS>$lun2 = New-EmcLun -StorageSystem $storage -Name mm2 -Capacity 1GB
Creates and gets the unbound LUNs.
C:\PS>$compositelunmember= Get-EmcCompositeLunMember -StorageSystem $storage
Gets the composite LUN members.
C:\PS>$compositelunhead= Get-EmcCompositeLunHead -CompositeLunMember $compositelunmember
C:\PS>Add-EmcLunsToExistingCompositeLun -LunsToAddToCompositeLun $lun1, $lun2 -CompositeLunHead $compositelunhead
Adds unbound LUNs to the existing composite LUN head.