
Gets the members of a LUN group. A LUN group has three types of members: LUNs, hosts that have access to LUNs in the group, and hosts that have access to snapshots of LUNs in the group. The -IncludeLuns, -IncludeLunHosts, and -IncludeSnapshotHosts parameters return only those specific types of members. If omitted, the cmdlet returns all member types.

Note: This command is for VNXe3200 systems only.



Get-EmcVnxeLunGroupMember -LunGroup <Vnx2eLunGroup> [-IncludeLuns] [-IncludeLunHosts] [-IncludeSnapshotHosts] [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]



-LunGroup <Vnx2eLunGroup>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the LUN group, which you can get with the Get-EmcVnxeLunGroup cmdlet.


-IncludeLuns <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, includes the LUNs in the group.


-IncludeLunHosts <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, includes the hosts that have access to LUNs in the group.


-IncludeSnapshotHosts <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

If specified, includes the hosts that have access to snapshots of LUNs in the group.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



C:\PS>$group = Get-EmcVnxeLunGroup TestLG

Get-EmcVnxeLunGroupMember -LunGroup $group -IncludeLuns

Gets all LUNs in the specified LUN group.