Mounts a shared folder onto a host system.
Set-EmcCifsSharedFolderMountPoint -HostSystem <IHostSystem> -DriveLetter <String> -SharedFolder <CifsSharedFolder> -Credential <PSCredential> [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]
-HostSystem <IHostSystem>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI host system object. You can use the EmcHostSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets to add a host system object to ESI. You can use the Get-EmcHostSystem cmdlet to get a host system object. The host system can either a stand-alone host system, a virtual machine, or a hypervisor.
-DriveLetter <String>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the drive letter.
-SharedFolder <CifsSharedFolder>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI shared folder object, which you can get from the ESI host system object or by using the Get-EmcSharedFolder cmdlet.
-Credential <PSCredential>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
The credential object used to connect to the host. A credential object can be created using the Get-Credential cmdlet.
Note: When mounting a shared folder on the local host, the credentials should not be specified. However, when mounting a shared folder on a remote host, the credentials are required.
-Silent <SwitchParameter>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.
This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.
-------------- Example 1 --------------
C:\PS>$h = Get-EmcHostSystem -ID *.136*
C:\PS>$s = Get-EmcStorageSystem
C:\PS>$c = Get-Credential
C:\PS>$p = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $s[0] -PoolType File -ID *FileSystem1*
C:\PS>$f = Get-EmcSharedFolder -Pool $p -ID *PS*
C:\PS>Set-EmcCifsSharedFolderMountPoint -HostSystem $h -DriveLetter T -SharedFolder $f -Credential $c
This example mounts the specified shared folder to the specified host.