
Gets the list of target ports.





-Id <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: 1

Specifies the target port ID. Wildcards are permitted. It is a positional parameter (position = 1).


-BlockStorageSystem <IBlockStorageSystem>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the ESI block storage system object, which can be added to ESI by using the Get-EmcStorageSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets. You can get a storage system object by using the Get-EmcStorageSystem cmdlet.


-PortType <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the port type. The value can be All, FC, or iSCSI.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.


-Pool <LunStoragePool>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the ESI storage pool object, which you can get from the ESI block storage system or by using the Get-EmcStoragePool cmdlet.


-Lun <Lun>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the ESI LUN object, which you can get by using the ESI storage system object or by using the Get-EmcLun cmdlet.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 --------------

C:\PS>Get-EmcTargetPort | select Iqn, IP address

Iqn                                        IP address

---                                        ---------

This example gets the IQN and IP address information of the target ports on all registered storage systems.


-------------- Example 2 --------------

C:\PS>$lun = Get-EmcLun testlun

C:\PS>Get-EmcTargetPort -Lun $lun

Iqn                     :

IP address              :

Port                    : 3260

InitiatorAuthentication : False

StorageSystemGlobalId   : ae5107a4-0e17-4a3b-86c7-5cf84eed4e0e

ServiceNodeId           : iscsi_node_0

TargetPortId            : if_0

LinkState               : Up

Status                  : OK

OtherProperties         : {}

Tag                     :

DefaultStringForOtherProperties : ()

Iqn                     :

IP address              :

Port                    : 3260

InitiatorAuthentication : False

StorageSystemGlobalId   : ae5107a4-0e17-4a3b-86c7-5cf84eed4e0e

ServiceNodeId           : iscsi_node_0

TargetPortId            : if_1

LinkState               : Up

Status                  : OK

OtherProperties         : {}

Tag                     :

DefaultStringForOtherProperties : () ]

This example gets the target ports that serve the data service for the specified LUN.


-------------- Example 3 --------------

C:\PS>$pool = Get-EmcStoragePool myPool

C:\PS> Get-EmcTargetPort -Pool $pool -PortType FC

This example gets the FC target ports that serve the data service for the specified pool.