Gets the list of storage pools.
Get-EmcStoragePool [[-ID] <String>] [-Lun <ConcreteLun>] [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]
[[-ID] <String>] [-Silent] [-StorageSystem
<IStorageSystem>] [-PoolType
Get-EmcStoragePool [-ID <String>] [-Silent] [-VmaxFastVpPolicy <VmaxFastVpPolicy>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-EmcStoragePool [-ID <String>] [-Silent] [-VmaxStorageTier <VmaxFastStorageTier>] [<CommonParameters>]
-ID <String>
Attributes: Optional, Position: 1
Specifies the storage pool name or ID. Wildcards are permitted. It is a positional parameter (position = 1).
-Lun <ConcreteLun>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the ESI LUN object. You can get a LUN object by using the ESI storage system object or by using the Get-EmcLun cmdlet.
-Silent <SwitchParameter>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.
-StorageSystem <IStorageSystem>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI storage system object. You can add a storage system object to ESI by using the Get-EmcStorageSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets. You can get a storage system object by using the Get-EmcStorageSystem cmdlet. The object can be either a block storage system or file storage system.
-PoolType <GetEmcStoragePoolCmdlet+PoolTypeValues>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the storage pool type to retrieve. Valid values include:
Block: Retrieves the storage pools for block storage.
File: Retrieves the storage pools for file storage.
All: Retrieves all the storage pools, both block and file storage pools.
-VmaxFastVpPolicy <VmaxFastVpPolicy>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the ESI FAST VP policy system object. You can get a FAST VP policy object with the Get-EmcFastVpPolicy cmdlet.
-VmaxStorageTier <VmaxFastStorageTier>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the ESI FAST storage tier object. You can get a FAST storage tier with the Get-EmcStorageTier cmdlet.
This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.
-------------- Example 1 --------------
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool
C:\PS>$l = Get-EmcLUN
C:\PS>$l[0] | Get-EmcStoragePool |select ArrayPoolId
This example gets the list of storage pools from all the connected storage systems, specified storage systems, or specified LUNs.
-------------- Example 2 --------------
C:\PS>Get-EmcStoragePool -id my*
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool my*
C:\PS>Get-EmcStoragePool -id 12
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool 12
This example gets the storage pools based on the pool ID or name. Wildcards are accepted. Because the ID parameter is positional, you can omit the name.
-------------- Example 3 --------------
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool my* -PoolType All
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool my* -PoolType Block
C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Get-EmcStoragePool my* -PoolType File
This example gets the storage pools based on pool ID or name. Wildcards are permitted. Because the ID parameter is positional, you can omit the name. The PoolType desired is specified by its parameter, as shown in the examples.
-------------- Example 4 --------------
C:\PS>$storage = Get-EmcStorageSystem vmax348
C:\PS>$policy=Get-EmcFastVpPolicy -StorageSystem $storage
C:\PS>Get-EmcStoragePool -FastVpPolicy $policy[0]
This example gets the storage pools based on the FAST VP policy.
---------- Example 5 ----------
C:\PS>$storage = Get-EmcStorageSystem vmax348
C:\PS>$storagetier=Get-EmcStorageTier -StorageSystem $storage
C:\PS>Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageTier $storagetier[0]
This example gets the storage pool based on the storage tier.