
Gets the list of snapshots for the specified replica copy.





-Copy <ReplicaCopy>

Attributes: Required, Position: Named

The replica copy for which snapshots should be retrieved


-LatestImage <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: Named

If specified, the last snapshot created for production and transferred to the copy journal. This is the image at the top of the image list and the most current snapshot sent from production.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: Named

Turns off all informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.


-PointinTime <DateTime>

Attributes: Required, Position: Named

If specified, the cmdlet searches for an image that was created at the specified date and time.


-MaxRange <Int64>

Attributes: Required, Position: Named

If specified, the cmdlet searches for an image that was created the specified number of microseconds before and after the specified Point in Time.


-Name <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: Named

If specified, the cmdlet searches for an image with the specified bookmark name.


-ImageType <ImageType>

Attributes: Optional, Position: Named

If specified, the cmdlet searches for the specified image type. The options include: All, AllBookmarks, SystemBookmarks, and UserBookmarks.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *38*

$cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

$copy = Get-EmcReplicaCopy -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -Role LocalCopy

$snapshots = Get-EmcReplicaCopySnapshots -Copy $copy[1]

Gets the list of snapshots for a replica copy.


-------------- Example 2 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *38*

$cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

$copy = Get-EmcReplicaCopy -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -Role LocalCopy

$snapshots = Get-EmcReplicaCopySnapshots -Copy $copy[1] -LatestImage

Gets the latest snapshot for a replica copy.


-------------- Example 3 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *38*

$cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

$copy = Get-EmcReplicaCopy -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -Role LocalCopy

$snapshots = Get-EmcReplicaCopySnapshots -Copy $copy[1] -PointinTime (get-date) -MaxRange 1000000

Gets the list of snapshots for a replica copy with the specified filter of current date and maximum range of 1 second.


-------------- Example 4 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *38*

$cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

$copy = Get-EmcReplicaCopy -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -Role LocalCopy

$snapshots = Get-EmcReplicaCopySnapshots -Copy $copy[1] -PointinTime (get-date) -MaxRange 10 -Name *Test* -ImageType All

Gets the list of snapshots for a replica copy with the specified filter of current date with a maximum range of 10 microseconds, a name that contains test, and the image type of All.