
Creates a new CIFS shared folder object.



New-EmcCifsSharedFolder -Pool <StoragePool> -Name <String> -Path <String> -Capacity <UInt64> [-CifsServiceNode <CifsStorageServiceNode>] [-Thick] [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]



Pool <StoragePool>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the ESI storage pool object, which you can get from the ESI storage system or by using the Get-EmcStoragePool cmdlet. The storage pool type must be file for this cmdlet.


-Name <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the name of the shared folder.


-Path <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the path of the shared folder.


-Capacity <UInt64>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the capacity of the shared folder.


-CifsServiceNode <CifsStorageServiceNode>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

An optional parameter to specify the service node for the shared folder. The service node can be retrieved with the Get-EmcStorageServiceNode cmdlet.


-Thick <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

For storage systems that support both thick and thin provisioning for CIFS, specifies to use thick provisioning instead of the default thin provisioning. This parameter is ignored by storage systems that do not offer this choice.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 --------------

C:\PS>$s = Get-EmcStorageSystem

C:\PS>$n = Get-EmcStorageServiceNode -StorageSystem $s

C:\PS>$p = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $s[0] -PoolType File -ID *FileSystem1*


C:\PS>New-EmcCifsSharedFolder -Pool $p -Name ShareName -Path SharePath -Capacity 2147483648 -CifsServiceNode $n[0]

This example creates a CIFS shared folder with the specified service node.