
Creates a new replica set for a consistency group.





-Name <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the name for the replica set.


-ConsistencyGroup <ConsistencyGroup>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the consistency group from which to create the replica set.


-ProductionLun <ConcreteLun>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the concrete LUN to protect in the replica set.


-PoolsByReplicaCopyName <Hashtable>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

A hash table specifying the LUN storage pools to be used to create the replication replica LUN for each of the replica copies in the consistency group. Each key in the hash table is the name of a replica copy in the consistency group and each value is the LUN storage pool to be used when creating the LUN for that replica copy.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.


-LunsByReplicaCopyName <Hashtable>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies a hash table where each key in the hash table is the name of a replica copy in the consistency group, and each value is the LUN for that replica copy. The table specifies the LUN for each replica copy in the consistency group.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *60*

C:\PS>$cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

C:\PS>$group = Get-EmcConsistencyGroup -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -ID RP_PS_TEST

C:\PS>$storageSystemLoc = Get-EmcStorageSystem -ID *6439

C:\PS>$storagePoolLoc = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $storageSystemLoc -ID *RaidGroup*0*

C:\PS>$prodLun = Get-EmcLun -Pool $storagePoolLoc -ID *RP_PS_TEST_ProdLun*

C:\PS>$storageSystemRem = Get-EmcStorageSystem -ID *6440

C:\PS>$storagePoolRem = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $storageSystemRem[0] -ID *RaidGroup*0*


C:\PS>$hashTable = @{RP_PS_TEST_CL=$storagePoolLoc;RP_PS_TEST_CR=$storagePoolRem}


C:\PS>$set = New-EmcReplicaSet -ConsistencyGroup $group -ProductionLun $prodLun -Name "RP_PS_TEST_S1" -PoolsByReplicaCopyName $hashTable

This example creates a new replica set using the PoolsByReplicaCopyName parameter.


-------------- Example 2 --------------

C:\PS>$service = Get-EmcReplicationService -ID *60*

C:\PS> $cluster = Get-EmcReplicationServiceCluster -ReplicationService $service

C:\PS>$group = Get-EmcConsistencyGroup -ReplicationServiceCluster $cluster -ID RP_PS_TEST

C:\PS>$storageSystemLoc = Get-EmcStorageSystem -ID *6439

C:\PS> $storagePoolLoc = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $storageSystemLoc -ID *RaidGroup*0*

C:\PS>$prodLun = Get-EmcLun -Pool $storagePoolLoc -ID *RP_PS_TEST_ProdLun*

C:\PS>$storageSystemRem = Get-EmcStorageSystem -ID *6440

C:\PS>$storagePoolRem = Get-EmcStoragePool -StorageSystem $storageSystemRem[0] -ID *RaidGroup*0*

C:\PS>$reproLun=Get-EmcLun –pool $storagePoolRem –ID *RP_CopyLun*


C:\PS>$hashTableForLuns = @{RP_PS_TEST_CL=$prodLun;RP_PS_TEST_CR=$reproLun}


C:\PS> $set = New-EmcReplicaSet -ConsistencyGroup $group -ProductionLun $prodLun -Name "RP_PS_TEST_S1" -LunsByReplicaCopyName $hashTableForLuns

This example creates a new replica set using the LunsByReplicaCopyName parameter.