
Publishes the connection information for the specified system to the specified user.





This cmdlet passes the connection information for the specified system and registers it in the context of the specified user. When the specified user logs into the ESI controller host, the system is available without having to enter the connection information.



-DomainName <String>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Specifies the domain that the user belongs to.


-UserName <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the username for the user to get the published systems.


-UserPassword <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the login password for the user.


-SystemFriendlyName <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the user-friendly name for the system registered with ESI whose connection information needs to be published to the user.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Turns off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.


-StorageSystem <IStorageSystem>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the storage system object you want to publish. A storage system object can be obtained by using the Get-EmcStorageSystem cmdlet.


-ReplicationService <IReplicationService>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the replication service object you want to publish. A replication service object can be obtained by using the Get-EmcReplicationService cmdlet.


-Credential <PSCredential>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the credential object used for impersonating a user. A credential object can be created by using the Get-Credential cmdlet.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



---------- Example 1 ----------

C:\PS>Publish-EmcPublisherUserConnectionInfo  -DomainName contoso -UserName fabrikam -UserPassword Password! -SystemFriendlyName MyVMAX

This example publishes the connection information of the system with a user friendly name of "MyVMAX" to the user contoso\fabrikam.


---------- Example 2 ----------

C:\PS>Get-EmcStorageSystem | Publish-EmcPublisherUserConnectionInfo  -DomainName contoso -UserName fabrikam -UserPassword Password!


AdapterType                     : StorageSystem

UserFriendlyName                : vnx_200

OperationalStatus               : {}

StatusMessages                  : {}

SerialNumber                    : APM00123102886

Name                            : APM00123102886

Model                           : VNX5100

SoftwareRevision                :

ServiceNodes                    : {}

Enclosures                      : {}

Disks                           : {}

ManagementServiceEndpointList   : {[IpAddress:, Port: 443.], [IpAddress:, Port: 443.]}

LunPools                        : {}

Luns                            : {}

BlockStorageCache               :

LunMaskingViews                 : {}

SupportedHostBusAdapterTypes    : {Iscsi, FibreChannel}

RegisteredRemoteHosts           : {}

LoggedInInitiators              : {}

SnapshotLuns                    : {}

SnapshotPools                   : {}

EntityClassMapping              : {[LunStorageServiceNode, Storage Processor], [PowerSupply, Power Supply], [StandbyPow

                                  erSupply, SPS], [CPUModule, CPU Module]...}

OtherProperties                 : {}

DefaultStringForOtherProperties : ()

GlobalId                        : 0815b526-6a6e-4f32-8389-8c5f5c3d3217

SystemObjectType                : VNX-Block


TestMode                        : False

OperationalStatus               : {OK, Online}

AdapterType                     : StorageSystem

UserFriendlyName                : vmax_37

SerialNumber                    : 000195700895

Name                            : Symmetrix VMAX40K

Model                           : VMAX40K

SoftwareRevision                : 5876.191.124

Enclosures                      : {}

ManagementServiceEndpointList   : {}

ServiceNodes                    : {}

Disks                           : {}

DiskServiceNodes                : {}

LunPools                        : {}

Luns                            : {}

ThinLuns                        : {}

UnclassifiedLunPool             : [Name: UnclassifiedLunPool. PoolId: {37AD6876-B757-4C92-A6B8-482FCA65E21C}]

UnclassifiedLuns                : {}

BlockStorageCache               :

LoggedInInitiators              : {}

LunMaskingViews                 : {}

SupportedHostBusAdapterTypes    : {FibreChannel}

SnapshotLuns                    : {}

SnapshotPools                   : {}

StatusMessages                  : {}

EntityClassMapping              : {[LunStorageServiceNode, Director], [ServiceNodeContainer, Director Slot], [PowerSupp

                                  ly, Power Supply], [StandbyPowerSupply, SPS]...}

OtherProperties                 : {}

DefaultStringForOtherProperties : ()

GlobalId                        : db754b56-5166-4732-bd8b-6ef2ee2c7ca3

SystemObjectType                : VMAX


TestMode                        : False

OperationalStatus               : {OK, Degraded, Online}

This example publishes the connection information of all of the storage systems to the user contoso\fabrikam.