Finds the ESI Host Disk associated with an ESI LUN, host LUN identifier, or VM disk configuration on a host or cluster system.
Find-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem <IHostSystem> -HostLunIdentifier <HostLunIdentifier> [-RescanCount <UInt32>] [-Silent] [<CommonParameters>]
Find-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem <IHostSystem> [-RescanCount <UInt32>] [-Silent] -Lun <Lun> [<CommonParameters>]
Find-EmcHostDisk [-RescanCount <UInt32>] [-Silent] -Lun <Lun> -ClusterSystem <IClusterSystem> [<CommonParameters>]
Find-EmcHostDisk [-RescanCount <UInt32>] [-Silent] -VirtualMachine <IHostSystem> -VmDiskConfig <VmScsiDiskConfiguration> [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet finds the ESI host disk associated with the specified LUN or HostLunIdentifier or VmDiskConfiguration on a specified host system or cluster system by updating or refreshing the host disks.
-HostSystem <IHostSystem>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI host system object. You can add a host system object to ESI by using the Get-EmcHostSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets. You can get a host system object by using the Get-EmcHostSystem cmdlet. The object can be a stand-alone host system, a virtual machine, or a hypervisor.
-HostLunIdentifier <HostLunIdentifier>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI HostLunIdentifier object, which you can get from the ESI host disk object, the ESI cluster disk object, or by using the Get-EmcHostLunIdentifier cmdlet.
-RescanCount <UInt32>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
Specifies the rescan count number for the LUN.
-Silent <SwitchParameter>
Attributes: Optional, Position: named
An optional parameter to turn off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.
-Lun <Lun>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI LUN object, which you can get by using ESI storage system object or by using the Get-EmcLun cmdlet.
-ClusterSystem <IClusterSystem>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI cluster system object. You can add a cluster system object to ESI by using the Get-EmcHostSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets. You can get a cluster system object by using the Get-EmcClusterSystem cmdlet.
-VirtualMachine <IHostSystem>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI virtual machine host system object. The ESI virtual machine is derived from the host system. You can add a virtual machine to ESI by using the Get-EmcHostSystemCredential and Connect-EmcSystem cmdlets, the same as the host system. You can get a virtual machine host system object by using the Get-EmcHostSystem cmdlet.
-VmDiskConfig <VmDiskConfiguration>
Attributes: Required, Position: named
Specifies the ESI VmDiskConfiguration object, which encapsulates the attached file-based disk or pass-through disk configuration information such as the SCSI controller ID, index, and attached LUN number. The object can be used to find the disk in the virtual machine if a file-based or pass-through disk is attached to a virtual machine from a hypervisor. The Add-EmcFilebasedDiskToVirtualMachine and Add-EmcPassthroughDiskToVirtualMachine cmdlets return the VmDiskConfiguration object.
This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.
-------------- Example 1 --------------
C:\PS>$l = New-EmcLun -Pool $p -Name mylun_test_1 -Capacity 2GB -Silent
C:\PS>$h = Get-EmcHostSystem *.148
C:\PS>Set-EmcLunAccess -Lun $l -HostSystem $h -Available
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Unmasking the LUN to the specified host(s)...
100% : The specified LUN has been unmasked to the specified initiators...
TaskStatus: Completed
C:\PS>$hd = Find-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem $h -Lun $l -Silent
This example creates a LUN, unmasks the LUN to a host system, and finds the corresponding disk.
-------------- Example 2 --------------
C:\PS>$l = New-EmcLun -Pool $p -Name mylun_test_1 -Capacity 2GB -Silent
C:\PS>$h = Get-EmcClusterSystem myclus*
C:\PS>Set-EmcLunAccess -Lun $l -ClusterSystem $h -Available -silent
C:\PS>$hd = Find-EmcHostDisk -ClusterSystem $h -Lun $l -Silent
This example creates a LUN, unmasks the LUN to a cluster system, and finds the corresponding disk.
-------------- Example 3 --------------
C:\PS>$h = Get-EmcHostSystem *.133
Hyper-V, PowerEdge R710
C:\PS>$vm = Get-EmcHostSystem *.148
Virtual Machine
C:\PS>$h | Update-EmcSystem -Silent
C:\PS>$vmconfig = $vm | Get-EmcVirtualMachineConfiguration
C:\PS>$locations =Get-EmcAvailableScsiControllerLocation -VirtualMachineConfiguration $vmconfig -ScsiControllerIndex 0
C:\PS>$passthroughDisks = $h | Get-EmcAvailableEmcPassthroughDiskCandidate
C:\PS>$diskConfig = Add-EmcPassthroughDiskToVirtualMachine -VirtualMachineConfiguration $vmconfig -HostDisk $passthroughDisks[0] -Location $locations[0]
C:\PS>$hd = Find-EmcHostDisk -VirtualMachine $vm -VmDiskConfig $diskConfig
C:\PS>Remove-EmcVirtualDiskFromVm -VirtualMachineConfiguration $vmconfig -Location $locations[0] -force
This example attaches a pass-through disk to a virtual machine with the VmDiskConfiguration cmdlet. The Find-EmcHostDisk cmdlet finds the corresponding disk in the virtual machine.
-------------- Example 4 --------------
C:\PS>$l = New-EmcLun -Pool $p -Name mylun_test_1 -Capacity 2GB -Silent
C:\PS>$h = Get-EmcHostSystem *.148
C:\PS>Set-EmcLunAccess -Lun $l -HostSystem $h -Available
TaskStatus: Started
10% : Unmasking the LUN to the specified host(s)...
100% : The specified LUN has been unmasked to the specified initiators...
TaskStatus: Completed
C:\PS>$lunIdentifier = Get-EmcHostLunIdentifier -Lun $l
C:\PS>$hd = Find-EmcHostDisk -HostSystem $h -HostLunIdentifier $lunIdentifier -RecanCount 10 -Silent
This example creates a LUN, un-masks the LUN to the specified host system, and finds the corresponding disk for the LUN identifier.