
Notice: This cmdlet is being deprecated and will be removed from future ESI releases.

Exports the storage access control information to a file.



Export-EmcStorageAccessControl -AccessControl <StorageAccessControlSurrogate> -File <String> -ProtectionKey <String> [-Force] [-Silent] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]



Exports the storage access control information to a file, which is encrypted by a protection key.



-AccessControl <StorageAccessControlSurrogate>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the storage access control object, which can be created by using the New-EmcStorageAccessControl cmdlet.


-File <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the name of the file that the storage access control information will be exported to.


-ProtectionKey <String>

Attributes: Required, Position: named

Specifies the key to decrypt the storage access control file content.


-Force <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Allows the cmdlet to continue without asking for user confirmation.


-Silent <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

An optional parameter to turn off all the informational and verbose messages. However, it still displays errors.


-WhatIf <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.


-Confirm <SwitchParameter>

Attributes: Optional, Position: named

Prompts you for confirmation before executing the command.



This cmdlet supports these common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, and OutVariable. Type get-help about_commonparameters for more details.



-------------- Example 1 -------------

C:\PS>$sac = New-EmcStorageAccessControl

C:\PS>$pool = Get-EmcStoragePool "<RaidGroup 0>"

C:\PS>Add-EmcStorageAccessControl -AccessControl $sac -Pool $pool -AccessList “ViewOnly”


Storage Access Control

  StorageSystemGlobalId: 38b967ef-1299-4792-a847-bc1707617cf8

  StorageSystemName: VNX5300-1

<RaidGroup 0>       Block   ViewOnly


C:\PS>Export-EmcStorageAccessControl -AccessControl $sac -File c:\exported.esiacl -ProtectionKey SomePassword -Force -Silent

This example creates a storage access control object, adds pool access, and exports the access information to a file.