The Configuration Manager 2007 software update deployment template properties dialog box displays information about the software update deployment templates and allows the deployment template settings to be modified.
Click any link in the following section for detailed information about its associated tab in the dialog box:
In This Section
- Deployment Template Name Properties: General Tab
- Specifies the name and description of the deployment template.
- Deployment Template Name Properties: Collection Tab
- Specifies the collection that is targeted for the software update deployment.
- Deployment Template Name Properties: Display/Time Settings Tab
- Specifies whether notifications are displayed on clients, whether a client evaluates the deployment schedule based on local or UTC, and specifies the default duration.
- Deployment Template Name Properties: Restart Settings Tab
- Specifies the system restart behavior when a software update installs on a client and requires a restart to complete
- Deployment Template Name Properties: SMS 2003 Settings Tab
- Specifies whether to generate a special deployment for SMS 2003 clients that are in the software updates target collection.
- Deployment Template Name Properties: Event Generation Tab
- Specifies whether to disable Microsoft Operations Manager alerts during software update installation and whether an Operation Manager alert is created when a software update installations fails.
- Deployment Template Name Properties: Download Settings Tab
- Specifies the behavior for software update installation when clients are within a slow or unreliable network boundary and when clients are within the boundaries of protected distribution points that do not have the software updates available.
- Properties - Security Tab
- Specifies the class and instance security for the deployment object.