Use the Download Settings tab in the Configuration Manager 2007 software update deployment template name properties dialog box to configure how clients interact with distribution points when they receive a software update deployment.

Each boundary configured in Configuration Manager 2007 is designated as a fast (LAN) or slow or unreliable network. Clients connected to a LAN always download software updates from the distribution point and then install them. You can configure the client behavior when they are connected to a slow or unreliable network boundary.

Protected distribution points are configured with specific boundaries. When clients are within these boundaries, you can specify whether they must install software updates from protected distribution points or allow them to install updates from unprotected distribution points when the updates are not available on any protected distribution points.

The Download Settings tab contains the following elements:

When a client is connected within a slow or unreliable network boundary

Specifies whether clients will install software updates when they are connected to a slow or unreliable network boundary.
  • Do not install software updates: Specifies that clients do not install software updates if they are within network boundaries that are designated as slow or unreliable. This is the default selection.

  • Download software updates from distribution point and install: Specifies that clients download the software updates from the distribution point and install them if they are within network boundaries that are designated as slow or unreliable. This is the same behavior as if the client was within a local area network boundary.

Specify whether to allow clients that are within the boundaries for one or more protected distribution points to download and install software updates from unprotected distribution points when the updates are not available from any protected distribution point

Specifies whether clients will install software updates from unprotected distribution points when the updates are not available on any protected distribution points.
  • Do not install software updates: Indicates that when protected distribution points do not have the software updates available for clients that are within the protected distribution point boundaries, software updates will not be installed.

  • Download software updates from unprotected distribution point and install: Indicates that when protected distribution points do not have the software updates for clients that are within the protected distribution point boundaries, the client downloads the software updates from an unprotected distribution point and installs them. This is the default selection.


Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also