Viewing registered hosts

For supported block storage systems, ESI requires that you add or register hosts before viewing them in ESI.

To view registered hosts for block storage arrays:

  1. In the left pane of the ESI window, select the storage system.

  2. Click Registered Hosts in the center pane. The registered hosts are listed.

  3. Click the plus (+) symbol to expand the registered host information.

Note: To customize the center pane, such as to remove or add columns for a custom view, right-click a column in the center pane and select actions from the menu.


Related links


 Creating LUNs

 ESI overview

 Expanding LUNs

 Home window

 Viewing LUNs


 Deleting LUNs


 Viewing storage pools


 Viewing masked LUNs


 Viewing storage groups


 Viewing service nodes


 Adding storage systems


 Removing storage systems