This section provides links to information about troubleshooting issues with the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 console.
Issues with the System Center Configuration Manager console can be traced in the SMSAdminUI.log file. The SMSAdminUI.log file is not stored with the rest of the Configuration Manager 2007 log files; it is located in the <Installation Directory>\AdminUI\AdminUILog directory. By default, only Administrators and SMS Admins have permissions to the file.
User Without Sufficient Rights Cannot See Console Objects
If your account has not been assigned object rights in the Configuration Manager 2007 console, you see only the nodes you have rights to. You must also be a member of the SMS Admins group or have equivalent rights.
Ask someone with Administrator rights to grant you permissions to the classes and instances that you need to manage. Verify that your account is a member of the SMS Admins group on the site server and the SMS Provider computer. For more information, see How to Assign Rights for Objects to Users and Groups and About the SMS Admins Group.
Attempting to Connect to the Database Generates an Error
If your account does not have Remote Activation permission on the site server and the SMS Provider computer, you get an error message telling you that you cannot connect to the site database.
Grant Remote Activation permission on the site server and the SMS Provider computer. If you are attempting to manage a secondary site, you must have rights to the SMS Provider at the parent site. See How to Configure DCOM Permissions for Configuration Manager Console Connections.
Upgraded Administrators Do Not Have Access to All Objects
After upgrading, the user who ran the upgrade has access to all the objects in the Configuration Manager 2007 console, but existing administrators have access only to objects that existed prior to the upgrade.
This is a known issue. Only the user who runs Setup has access to the new objects after an upgrade. Manually grant administrators access to the new objects they will manage.
Note |
This is true even for software updates objects. Users who had full rights to all SMS 2003 software updates objects will have full rights to the same objects in Configuration Manager 2007 but will not have any rights to new object types, such as templates. |
Error Message: This Function Is Not Supported on This Site System
If you do not have permissions to the files and registry keys needed to run the Configuration Manager 2007 console, you get the error message "This function is not supported on this site system."
Solution 1
Verify that your account is a member of the SMS Admins group on the SMS Provider computer. You might also see this error if you are not a member of the local Administrators group; however, you can first run MMC and then add the Configuration Manager 2007 console as a snap-in instead of being a local Administrator on the Configuration Manager 2007 console computer. After the new console session is saved, you can also run the new console without being a local Administrator.
Solution 2
Verify that your account has read & execute permissions on the Configuration Manager installation folder on the site server.
Text in Dialog Boxes Is Highlighted with a Blue Background
This is by design, to enable screen readers used for accessibility purposes to read the text in the dialog box.
Configuration Manager Console Stops Responding When Creating Large Collections and Queries
By default, queries can return a maximum of 2000 entries. If you have a query that returns more than 2000 entries or if you have a collection based on a query that returns more than 2000 entries, the Configuration Manager 2007 console will stop responding.
Use a registry editor to add a new dword value called ValueLimit under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ConfigMgr\AdminUI\QueryProcessors. Set ValueLimit to a number large enough to return the necessary number of entries.
Configuration Manager Console Stops Responding When Connection Is Lost
When you are running a remote Configuration Manager 2007 console and the console loses connection with the site server, the console might stop responding but not return an error message. If you terminate the process in Windows Task Manager and then try to connect again, the console might continue to be unresponsive.
After terminating the console process in Windows Task Manager, start the console with the /sms:NoRestore option, which opens the console to the default view. For more information, see Command Line Options for Running the Configuration Manager Console.