Topic last updated—November 2007

If you are having problems connecting to the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 console, it might be caused by a problem with connectivity to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) namespace. The following procedures connect to the site server to enumerate the WMI namespace used by Configuration Manager 2007.

If you can successfully complete these procedures, you have verified that your problem is not caused by WMI connectivity issues. If you receive an access denied message, you do not have the appropriate security rights to connect to the WMI namespace.

If you have run the Security Configuration Wizard (SCW) (to help reduce the attack surface on your server), the SCW might have disabled the Remote WMI service. You should apply the Configuration Manager 2007 templates for the SCW to verify that all ports and services necessary for Configuration Manager 2007 are enabled. For more information, see

To verify namespace connectivity

  1. On the computer where the SMS Provider is installed, click Start, click Run, and then type wbemtest.

  2. Click Connect, type \\<siteserver>\root\sms, and then click Login.

  3. Click Enum Classes, click Recursive, and then click OK.

  4. In the Query Result list, double-click SMS_ProviderLocation.

  5. Click Instances, and then double-click the line that contains the target site code. For example, SMS_ProviderLocation.SiteCode="ABC."

  6. In the Properties section, locate the NamespacePath line. You might have to double-click this line to see the whole line.

  7. Copy the NamespacePath value to the clipboard. For example, copy the following value:


To verify server connectivity

  1. Close all WBEMtest windows from the preceding procedure.

  2. Click Connect, paste the NamespacePath that you copied in the preceding procedure, and then click Login.

  3. Click Enum Classes, click Recursive, and then click OK.

  4. In the Query Result list, double-click SMS_Site.

See Also