Topic last updated—November 2007
Access to the SMS Provider is required for viewing and modifying Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 security objects and data in the Configuration Manager 2007 console. Usually, access to the SMS Provider is granted by adding users to the SMS Admins group. The SMS Admins group is explicitly granted Enable Account and Remote Enable permissions on the Root\SMS namespace. If those default permissions are modified or if a different group is created to grant access to the SMS namespace, you can verify the permissions using the WMI Control MMC snap-in.
If you have problems connecting because of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) permissions, you might see the following entry in the SMSAdminUI.log in <ConfigMgrInstallationPath>\AdminUI\:
Error(ConnectServer): Possible UI connection error code is -2147217405 [0x80041003]
To verify WMI permissions
On the SMS Provider computer, click Start, click Run, type wmimgmt.msc, and then click OK.
Right-click WMI Control, and then click Properties.
On the Security tab, expand Root, and then click SMS.
Click Security in the results pane to see the permissions.
Click Advanced, click SMS Admins, and then click View-edit.
If the SMS Admins group does not have Enable Account and Remote Enable permissions, grant the permissions.
Repeat this procedure for any groups used in addition to SMS Admins.