Report Viewer in Configuration Manager 2007 displays database information in a Web browser. When the reporting point site server role is created, Report Viewer files are installed on the site system computer and reports can be opened in Report Viewer from the Configuration Manager console or from a Web browser. For more information, see How to Open Report Viewer.

When Report Viewer is opened in a Web browser, the following reporting objects are displayed:

The user must have Read security rights on the reporting objects for them to be displayed in Report Viewer.

Adjusting Timeout Settings

When a report runs, Report Viewer uses Active Server Pages (ASP) files that are stored on a reporting point. The Internet Information Services (IIS) default setting for the ASP script timeout is 90 seconds. This amount of time should be sufficient for running reports in most environments. However, in certain situations some reports might time out before finishing, such as those with a slow network connection, insufficient hardware, or a SQL statement that is inefficient or returns a large set of records.

If you receive error messages indicating that the maximum time to run a script has been exceeded, you might need to increase the ASP script timeout setting. For more information, see How to Configure the ASP Script Timeout Setting.

The ASP script timeout setting must not be less than either of the control timeout settings: Session("DBConnectionTimeout") and Session("DBCommandTimeout").

When data for reports is retrieved from the SQL Server views in the site database, the ASP script calls an ActiveX control, and in the call, the script passes two control timeout settings as parameters:

  • Session("DBConnectionTimeout"): This setting specifies the number of seconds within which the ActiveX control must connect to the Configuration Manager site database server. The default is 30 seconds.

  • Session("DBCommandTimeout"): This setting specifies the number of seconds within which the ActiveX control must receive data back from the Configuration Manager site database server. The default is 300 seconds.

If there are timeouts when running reports, these timeout settings might also need to be increased. The timeout settings are specified in the Global.asa file. This file can be modified in a text editor, such as Notepad, to increase the settings. If there are multiple reporting points, the Global.asa file must be modified on each of the reporting points on which there are timeouts. The Global.asa file is located in <Installation drive>:\Inetpub\wwwroot\<Report folder name>\. For more information, see How to Configure Connection and Command Timeout Settings.

Timeouts can also have an impact on the performance of dashboards. When one or more reports contained in a dashboard experience timeouts, timeout error messages might appear in some cells and other cells might not display data at all. Timeout settings and report refresh intervals should be carefully configured so that reports that are used in dashboards do not time out or refresh before the dashboard can display all reports.

See Also