In Configuration Manager 2007, when data for reports is retrieved from the Microsoft SQL Server views in the site database, the Active Server Pages (ASP) script calls an ActiveX control, and in the call, the script passes two timeout settings as parameters.

If there are timeouts when running reports, these timeout settings might need to be increased. The timeout settings are specified in the Global.asa file. If there are multiple reporting points, the Global.asa file must be modified on each of the reporting points on which there are timeouts.

Use the following procedure to configure the DBConnectionTimeout and DBCommandTimeout timeout settings.

To configure the DBConnectionTimeout and DBCommandTimeout timeout settings

  1. On the reporting point computer, navigate to <Installation drive>:\Inetpub\wwwroot\<Report folder name>.

  2. Open Global.asa in a text editor, such as Notepad.exe.

  3. Configure the following settings:

    • Session("DBConnectionTimeout"): This setting specifies the number of seconds within which the ActiveX control must connect to the Configuration Manager site database server. The default is 30 seconds.

    • Session("DBCommandTimeout"): This setting specifies the number of seconds within which the ActiveX control must receive data back from the Configuration Manager site database server. The default is 300 seconds.

See Also