How Software Distribution Works

After you create a package, SMS creates a PackageID.pkg file on the site server, in the Sms\Inboxes\ directory. SMS then replicates the .pkg file to each of the CAPs. As you create programs for that package, SMS updates its .pkg file. The remaining steps in the software distribution process are shown in the following diagram.

Software Distribution Process diagram
  1. When you specify distribution points for the package, SMS creates a shared package directory on those distribution points and then copies the package source files to those shares.
  2. Note    You can restrict access to the shared package directories by defining access accounts for the package.

  3. After the package, program, and collection are defined, you can create an advertisement to send a program to a collection of clients. After the package data is copied to the specified distribution points, SMS copies the advertisement data to the CAPs in the site.
  4. When you enable software distribution for a site, SMS installs the Advertised Programs Client Agent on clients in the site. The agent regularly checks a CAP in the site for new advertised programs. If the agent finds an advertisement for the client (which occurs if the client is a member of a target collection), the program is either scheduled to run automatically (assigned) or appears in Advertised Programs Wizard in the client's Control Panel.
  5. Before the program runs (automatically or when initiated by the user), the client agent checks the CAP for a list of distribution points and chooses one. The client agent then uses the package source files on that distribution point to run the program.

After you distribute the package to distribution points and create advertisements, you can monitor the status of the package and advertisements by using the SMS status system. The SMS status system provides information about the status of packages and advertisements that you create, and information about the status of the site itself. The status system has four status summarizers: Component Status, Site System Status, Package Status, and Advertisement Status, which display summaries of the status messages they represent.

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