To view SQL Servers and server instances in ESI:
From the left pane of the ESI window, select Applications > SQL Server Groups.
The center pane displays the following:
All groups displays data for the selected SQL Server group, including all connected SQL Servers, related instances, databases, and connected storage. Click the group to display the group details in the center pane.
Servers and Storage lists the data for the selected group. For example, for servers, you can view server IDs, instance IDs, database IDs, total visible memory, total storage, and other details.
AlwaysOn lists the servers, server instances, databases in availability groups, and other details about groups that support the SQL Server AlwaysOn feature. For example, you can view the databases, candidate databases (primary groups), and replicas for a specific availability group, and their roles, failover mode, connection states, and other related details.
Script Execution provides the following tasks:
For AlwaysOn groups, add and remove replicas.
For databases, create and delete databases and add or remove databases to or from database availability groups.
Click the plus (+) symbol to view more details.
To customize the center pane, such as columns, right-click a column in the center pane and select the action from the menu.