Use the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 CCMSetup.exe command to manually install the Configuration Manager 2007 client software on computers in your enterprise.

CCMSetup downloads all the necessary files to complete the client installation from a specified management point or from a specified source location. These files might include the following:

In Configuration Manager 2007, you cannot run client.msi directly.

CCMSetup.exe provides several command-line properties to customize the installation behavior. Additionally, you can also specify properties to modify the behavior of client.msi in the CCMSetup.exe command line.

You must specify all required CCMSetup properties before you specify properties for client.msi.

CCMSetup.exe and its supporting files are located on the Configuration Manager 2007 site server in the Client folder of the Configuration Manager 2007 installation folder. This folder is shared to the network as <Site Server Name>\SMS_<Site Code>\Client.

The format of the CCMSetup.exe command line is as follows:

CCMSetup.exe [Ccmsetup properties] [client.msi setup properties]

For example, CCMSetup.exe /mp:SMSMP01 /logon SMSSITECODE=S01 FSP=SMSFSP01 performs the following actions:

If a property contains spaces, surround it by quotation marks ("").

The properties described in the following table are available to modify the installation behavior of CCMSetup.exe.

If you have extended the Active Directory schema for Configuration Manager 2007, many client installation properties are published in Active directory and read automatically by the Configuration Manager 2007 client. For a list of the client installation properties published in Active Directory, see About Configuration Manager Client Installation Properties Published to Active Directory Domain Services.

CCMSetup.exe Command-Line Properties

Property More Information


Opens the CCMSetup dialog box showing command-line properties for ccmsetup.exe.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /?


Specifies the location from which to download installation files. You can use a local or UNC installation path. Files are downloaded by using the server message block (SMB) protocol.

You can use the /source property multiple times on the command line to specify alternative locations from which to download installation files.
To use the /source switch, the Windows user account that is used for client installation must have read permissions to the installation location.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /source:"\\computer\folder"


Specifies the source management point for downloading installation files. Files are downloaded over an http or https connection, which uses BITS throttling if this is configured.  If the management point is configured for mixed mode, the connection will be over http; if the management point is configured for native mode, the connection will be over https, and you must verify that the client computer has the appropriate native mode client certificate.

You can use the /mp property multiple times on the command line to specify alternative locations from which to download installation files. For example, in the case where a default management point might fail, you could specify the name of a standby management point from which to download client installation files.
This property is used only to specify the management point from which to download installation files. It does not specify the management point that the client will become assigned to after installation. You can use any Configuration Manager 2007 management point in any site to download the client installation files to a computer.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /mp:SMSMP01


Specifies the retry interval if CCMSetup.exe fails to download installation files. The default value is 10 minutes. CCMSetup continues to retry until it reaches the limit specified in the downloadtimeout installation property.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /retry:20


Prevents CCMSetup from running as a service which might have insufficient rights to access network resources. If this property is not specified, /service will be used by default.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /noservice


Specifies that CCMSetup should run as a service using the local system account.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /service


Specifies that the Configuration Manager 2007 client software should be uninstalled. For more information, see How to Uninstall the Configuration Manager Client.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /uninstall


Specifies that the client installation should stop if any version of the Configuration Manager 2007 or SMS client is already installed.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /logon


Specifies that CCMSetup should force the client computer to restart if this is necessary to complete the client installation. If this option is not specified, CCMSetup exits when a restart is necessary and then continues after the next manual restart.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /forcereboot


Specifies the download priority when client installation files are downloaded over an http connection. Possible values are as follows:


  • HIGH


  • LOW

The default value is NORMAL.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /BITSPriority:HIGH


Specifies the length of time in minutes that CCMSetup attempts to download the client installation files before it gives up. The default value is 1440 minutes (1 day).

Example: CCMSetup.exe /downloadtimeout:100

/native: [<native mode option>]

Specifies native mode client communication.

There are some scenarios where you do not have to specify this property when you are installing a client for a native mode site. These scenarios include installing a client by using client push and software update point–based client installation. However, you must specify this property whenever you manually install a client and use the /mp property to specify a native mode management point from which to download the client installation files. You also need to specify this property when you install a client for Internet-only communication, by using the CCMALWAYSINF=1 property (together with the properties for the Internet-based management point and the site code). For more information about Internet-based client management, see Deploying Configuration Manager Sites to Support Internet-Based Clients.

The following optional properties can be specified:

  • CRL Certificate revocation list (CRL) checking enabled

  • FALLBACK HTTP communication for roaming and site assignment

  • CRLANDFALLBACK Certificate revocation list (CRL) checking, and HTTP communication for roaming and site assignment

For more information about these native mode options, see Determine Whether You Need to Enable Certificate Revocation Checking (CRL) On Clients (Native Mode) and Decide If You Need to Configure HTTP Communication for Roaming and Site Assignment (Native Mode).

Examples: CCMSetup.exe /native


/config:<configuration file>

Specifies the name of a text file containing client installation properties. Unless you also specify the /noservice CCMSetup property, this file must be located in the CCMSetup folder, which is <%Windir%>\System32\ccmsetup for 32-bit operating systems and <%Windir%>\ccmsetup for 64-bit operating system. If you specify the /noservice property, this file must be located in the same folder from which you run CCMSetup.exe.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /config:<Configuration File Name.txt>

Use the mobileclienttemplate.tcf file in the <Configuration Manager directory>\bin\<platform> folder on the site server computer to provide the correct format of the file. This file also contains information in comment form about the sections and how they are used. Specify the client installation properties in the [Client Install] section, after the following text: Install=INSTALL=ALL.

Example [Client Install] section entry: Install=INSTALL=ALL SMSSITECODE=ABC SMSSLP03 SMSCACHESIZE=100

Client.msi Properties

The properties described in the following table can modify the installation behavior of client.msi. If you use the client push installation method, you can also specify the properties in the Client tab of the Client Push Installation Properties dialog box.

Property More Information


Set to 1 to specify that the client will always be Internet-based and will never connect to the intranet. The client's connection type will display Always Internet.

This property should be used in conjunction with CCMHOSTNAME, which specifies the FQDN of the Internet-based management point. It should also be used in conjunction with the CCMSetup property for native mode and with the site code.

For more information about Internet-based client management, see Overview of Internet-Based Client Management.



Specifies the certificate selection criteria if the client has more than one certificate that can be used for native mode communication (a valid certificate that includes client authentication capability).

For more information about whether you have to specify this property, see Determine If You Need to Specify Client Certificate Settings (Native Mode).

You can search for an exact match in the Subject Name or Subject Alternative Name (use Subject:) or a partial match (use SubjectStr:), in the Subject Name or Subject Alternative Name. Examples:

CCMCERTSEL="" searches for a certificate with an exact match to the computer name "" in either the Subject Name, or the Subject Alternative Name.

CCMCERTSEL="" searches for a certificate that contains "" in either the Subject Name, or the Subject Alternative Name.

You can also use Object Identifier (OID) or distinguished name attributes in the Subject Name or Subject Alternative Name attributes, for example:

CCMCERTSEL="SubjectAttr: = Computers" searches for the organizational unit attribute expressed as an object identifier, and named Computers.

CCMCERTSEL="SubjectAttr:OU = Computers" searches for the organizational unit attribute expressed as a distinguished name, and named Computers.

If you use the Subject Name field, the matching process for the Subject: selection criteria value is case-sensitive, and the matching process for the SubjectStr: selection criteria value is case-insensitive. If you use the Subject Alternative Name field, the matching process for both the Subject: selection criteria value and the SubjectStr: selection criteria value is case-insensitive.

The complete list of attributes that can be used for certificate selection is listed in the table in Determine If You Need to Specify Client Certificate Settings (Native Mode).

If more than one certificate matches the search, and the property CCMFIRSTCERT has been set to 1, a certificate from the search results is randomly selected, unless the client is running Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 or later, in which case the certificate with the longest validity period is selected. If CCMFIRSTCERT has not been set, and the client has more than one certificate that can be used for native mode communication, the client sends a failure message to its assigned fallback status point.


Specifies an alternate certificate store name if the client certificate to be used for native mode communication is not located in the default certificate store of Personal in the Computer store.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /native CCMCERTSTORE="ConfigMgr"


If set to 1, this property specifies that the client should select any valid and matching certificate for native mode communication if multiple valid certificates are found in the certificate store. However, if the client is running Configuration Manager 2007 with SP1 or later, the certificate with the longest validity period will be selected. This setting might be required if you are using Network Access Protection with IPsec enforcement.



Specifies the FQDN of the Internet-based management point, if the client is managed over the Internet.

Do not specify this option with the installation property of SMSSITECODE=AUTO. Internet-based clients must be directly assigned to their Internet-based site.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /native:CRL CCMHOSTNAME=""


Specifies the port that the client should use when communicating over HTTP to site system servers. For more information about client communication over HTTP, see Client Communication in Mixed Mode and Native Mode.

If the port is not specified, the default value of 80 will be used.

Example: CCMSetup.exe CCMHTTPPORT=80


Specifies the port that the client should use when communicating over HTTPS to site system servers. For more information about client communication over HTTPS, see Client Communication in Mixed Mode and Native Mode. If the port is not specified, the default value of 443 will be used.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /native CCMHTTPSPORT=443


Specifies the Configuration Manager trusted root key where it cannot be retrieved from Active Directory Domain Services. This property applies to mixed mode and native mode. For more information, see How to Pre-provision the Trusted Root Key on Clients.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSPUBLICROOTKEY=<key>


Specifies the full path and .cer file name of the exported site server signing certificate for native mode clients.

For more information about whether you have to specify this property, see Decide How to Deploy the Site Server Signing Certificate to Clients (Native Mode).

For procedural information about creating the .cer file, see How to Export the Site Server Signing Certificate for Configuration Manager Client Installation.

Example: CCMSetup.exe /native:CRL SMSSIGNCERT=<Full path and file name>


Used to reinstall the Configuration Manager trusted root key. Specifies the full path and file name to a file containing the trusted root key. This property applies to mixed mode and native mode. For more information, see How to Pre-provision the Trusted Root Key on Clients.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSROOTKEYPATH=<Full path and filename>


If a Configuration Manager 2007 client has the wrong Configuration Manager trusted root key and cannot contact a trusted management point to receive a valid copy of the new trusted root key, you must manually remove the old trusted root key by using this property. This situation commonly occurs when you move a client from one site hierarchy to another. This property applies to mixed mode and native mode.



Enables debug logging. Values can be set to 0 (off) or 1 (on). The default value is 0. This causes the client to log low-level information that might be useful for troubleshooting problems. As a best practice, avoid using this property in production sites because excessive logging can occur, which might make it difficult to find relevant information in the log files. CCMENABLELOGGING must be set to TRUE to enable debug logging.



Enables logging if this property is set to TRUE. By default, logging is enabled. The log files are stored in the Logs folder in the Configuration Manager Client installation folder. By default, this folder is %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs.



Specifies the amount of detail to write to Configuration Manager 2007 log files. Specify an integer ranging from 0 to 3, where 0 is the most verbose logging and 3 logs only errors. The default is 1.

Example: CCMSetup.exe CCMLOGLEVEL=3


When a Configuration Manager 2007 log file reaches 250000 bytes in size (or the value specified by the property CCMMAXLOGSIZE), it is renamed as a backup, and a new log file is created.

This property specifies how many previous versions of the log file to retain. The default value is 1. If the value is set to 0, no old log files are kept.



Specifies the maximum log file size in bytes. When a log grows to the size that is specified, it is renamed as a history file, and a new file is created. This property must be set to at least 10000 bytes. The default value is 250000 bytes.

Example: CCMSetup.exe CCMLOGMAXSIZE=300000


Specifies that the computer will be allowed to restart following the client installation, if this is required.

The computer will restart without warning even if a user is currently logged on.



If set to TRUE, disables the ability of end users with administrative credentials on the client computer to change the Configuration Manager Client assigned site by using Configuration Manager in Control Panel of the client computer.



If set to TRUE, disables the ability of end users with administrative credentials on the client computer to change the temporary program download folder settings for the Configuration Manager Client by using Configuration Manager in Control Panel of the client computer.



Specifies the location of the temporary program download folder on the client computer. By default, the location is %Windir%\System32\CCM\Cache.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSCACHEDIR="C:\Temp"

This property can be used in conjunction with the SMSCACHEFLAGS property to further control the temporary program download folder location.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSCACHEDIR=Cache SMSCACHEFLAGS=MAXDRIVE installs the temporary program download folder on the largest available disk drive on the client.


Configures the Configuration Manager 2007 temporary program download folder. You can use SMSCACHEFLAGS properties individually or in combination, separated by semicolons. If this property is not specified, the temporary program download folder is installed according to the SMSCACHEDIR property, the folder is not compressed, and the SMSCACHESIZE value is used as the size in MB of the folder.

Specifies further installation details for the client temporary program download folder. The following properties can be specified:

  • PERCENTDISKSPACE: Specifies the folder size as a percentage of the total disk space. If you specify this property, you must also specify the property SMSCACHESIZE as the percentage value to use.

  • PERCENTFREEDISKSPACE: Specifies the folder size as a percentage of the free disk space. If you specify this property, you must also specify the property SMSCACHESIZE as the percentage value to use. For example, if the disk has 10 MB free and SMSCACHESIZE is specified as 50, the folder size is set to 5 MB. You cannot use this property with the PERCENTDISKSPACE property.

  • MAXDRIVE: Specifies that the folder should be installed on the largest available disk. This value will be ignored if a path has been specified with the SMSCACHEDIR property.

  • MAXDRIVESPACE: Specifies that the folder should be installed on the disk drive that has the most free space. This value will be ignored if a path has been specified with the SMSCACHEDIR property.

  • NTFSONLY: Specifies that the folder can be installed only on disk drives formatted with the NTFS file system. This value will be ignored if a path has been specified with the SMSCACHEDIR property.

  • COMPRESS: Specifies that the folder should be held in a compressed form.

  • FAILIFNOSPACE: Specifies that the client software should be removed if there is insufficient space to install the folder.

Multiple properties for this property can be specified by separating each with a semicolon.

If this property is not specified, the temporary program download folder will be created according to the SMSCACHEDIR property, will not be compressed and will be the size specified in the SMSCACHESIZE property.


This setting is ignored when upgrading an existing client.


Specifies the size of the temporary program download folder in MB or as a percentage when used with the PERCENTDISKSPACE or PERCENTFREEDISKSPACE property. If this property is not set, the folder defaults to a maximum size of 5120 MB.

If a new package that must be downloaded would cause the folder to exceed the maximum size, and if the folder cannot be purged to make sufficient space available, the package download fails, and the advertised program will not run.

This setting is ignored when upgrading an existing client.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSCACHESIZE=100


Specifies the location and order that the Configuration Manager Client Installer checks for configuration settings. The property is a string containing one or more characters, each defining a specific configuration source. Use the character values R, P, M, and U, alone or in combination, as shown in the following examples:

  • R: Check for configuration settings in the registry.

  • P: Check for configuration settings in the installation properties provided on the command line.

  • M: Check for existing settings when upgrading an older client with the Configuration Manager 2007 client software.

  • U: Upgrade the SMS 2003 advanced client or upgrade the Configuration Manager 2007 client to a newer version (using the assigned site code).

By default, the client installation uses PU to check first the installation properties and then the existing settings.



Specifies how the client uses Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) for service location.

Service location by using WINS in mixed mode includes the management point and server locator point.

Service location by using WINS in native mode includes the server locator point only.

For alternative methods of locating management points and the order in which they are performed, see Configuration Manager and Service Location (Site Information and Management Points).

If WINS is not used by clients to find a server locator point, it must be directly assigned to clients, for example, by using the SMSSLP Client.msi property.

This property has no impact on whether the client uses WINS for name resolution. For more information about how to use WINS for name resolution, see Configuration Manager and Name Resolution.

You can configure how WINS is used for service location using one of the following three modes:

  • NOWINS: This is the most secure method. In this mode, WINS is not used for service location, and clients must have an alternative method of locating management points and a server locator point (if required).

  • WINSSECURE: In this mode, the mixed mode client can use WINS for service location but verifies the management point's mixed mode certificate before communicating with it.

    To verify the certificate, the client checks its copy of the mixed mode trusted root key in WMI. If the signature on the management point certificate matches the client’s copy of the trusted root key, the certificate is validated, and the client communicates with the management point found through WINS. If the signature on the management point certificate does not match the client’s copy of the trusted root key, the certificate is not valid and the client will not communicate with the management point located with WINS.

  • WINSPROMISCUOUS: In this mode, the mixed mode client can use WINS for service location, but does not verify the management point's mixed mode certificate before communicating with it. This mode is not secure and is not recommended.

If this property is not specified, the default value of WINSSECURE will be used.



Assigns the Configuration Manager 2007 client to the specified management point. You can specify a fully qualified domain name as this property.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSMP=SMSMP01


Specifies the Configuration Manager 2007 site to assign the Configuration Manager Client to. This can either be a three-character Configuration Manager 2007 site code or the word AUTO. If AUTO is specified, the Configuration Manager Client attempts to determine its Configuration Manager 2007 site assignment by using Active Directory or a server locator point.

Do not use AUTO, if the client finds its default management point by using Domain Name System (DNS), or if you are also specifying the Internet-based management point (CCMHOSTNAME). In both of these scenarios, you must directly assign the client to its site.



Specifies the server locator point for site assignment and locating management points for clients that cannot locate this information from Active Directory Domain Services, DNS, or WINS.

For more information about how server locator points are used, see Configuration Manager and Service Location (Site Information and Management Points).

To determine if clients need a server locator point, see Determine If You Need a Server Locator Point for Configuration Manager Clients.

Example: CCMSetup.exe SMSSLP=SMSSLP01


Identifies the folder where the Configuration Manager Client files are installed. If this property is not set, then the client software is installed in the %Windir%\System32\CCM folder. Regardless of where the Configuration Manager Client files are installed, the Ccmcore.dll file is always installed in the %Windir%\System32 folder.

Example: CCMSetup.exe CCMINSTALLDIR="C:\Temp"


Specifies one or more Windows user accounts or groups to be given access to client settings and policies. This is useful where the Configuration Manager 2007 administrator does not have local administrative credentials on the client computer. You can specify a list of accounts separated by semi-colons.

Example: CCMSetup.exe CCMADMINS="Domain\Account1;Domain\Group1"


Specifies the fallback status point that receives and processes state messages sent by Configuration Manager 2007 client computers.

For more information about the fallback status point, see About the Fallback Status Point in Configuration Manager.

Example: CCMSetup.exe FSP=SMSFP01


Specifies the DNS domain to use for locating the default management point in DNS, when DNS publishing is used.

For more information about locating management points in DNS, see Configuration Manager and Service Location (Site Information and Management Points).

If this property is specified, SMSSITECODE must not be set to AUTO.

When this property is specified, client assignment looks for a DNS service location resource record (SRV RR) in DNS, which includes this DNS suffix of the management point. For the exact record format, see How to Manually Publish the Default Management Point to DNS.

By default, DNS publishing is not enabled in Configuration Manager 2007. For more information on whether you should use DNS publishing, see Determine If You Need to Publish to DNS.


See Also