You can uninstall the Configuration Manager 2007 client software from a computer by using CCMSetup.exe with the /Uninstall switch. Run CCMSetup.exe on an individual computer from the command prompt or use Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution to uninstall the client on a collection of computers by using a script.
Use the following procedure to uninstall the Configuration Manager 2007 client.
To uninstall the Configuration Manager client
Open a Windows command prompt and change the folder to the location in which CCMSetup.exe is located.
Type Ccmsetup.exe /uninstall, and then press Enter.
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The uninstall process is silent and displays no results on the screen. To verify that client uninstallation has succeeded, examine the log file CCMSetup.log in the folder %windir%\system32\ccmsetup folder on the client computer. |