When you expand items in the console tree, the icon associated with any tree item changes to an hourglass while Configuration Manager 2007 enumerates the objects contained in that hierarchy. You can explore the console tree by using certain keystrokes, the mouse, or toolbar buttons.

Navigating the Console Tree with Keystrokes

The following table lists keystrokes that you can use to explore the Configuration Manager 2007 console tree.

Keystroke Result

Right arrow

Expands the parent item to display all child items beneath it if the selected item is a parent to hidden child items.

Left arrow

Collapses all child items if the selected item is a parent to displayed child items. If the child items are already hidden, a left-arrow keystroke moves the cursor to the parent of the selected item.

Up arrow

Moves the cursor up the hierarchical tree toward the root item.

Down arrow

Moves the cursor down the hierarchical tree away from the root item.

TAB key

Moves the focus between the console tree and items in the results pane. You can also use Shift-TAB to move in the opposite direction.


Obtains Help information related to the selected item.


If filtering is available, moves the cursor to the Look for search box.


Refreshes the display. Note that refreshing the display is usually a separate action from retrieving new information from the database.


Moves the focus between the console tree and the results pane.


Displays the Action menu of the selected item.

For more information about keyboard shortcuts, see "MMC Keyboard Shortcuts" in the MMC Help.

Navigating the Console Tree with Mouse Actions

The following table lists mouse actions that you can use to explore the Configuration Manager 2007 console tree.

Action Result


Selects an item.


Shows a display of the child items if child items exist beneath an item. Double-clicking expands or collapses the list of child items, depending on whether they are already displayed or not. If no child items exist, a double-click has the same result as a click.


Displays the Shortcut menu of the selected item.

See Also