The Configuration Manager 2007 <Collection Name> Settings dialog box displays information about settings of a specific collection and allows authorized users to configure maintenance windows, custom variables, or polling/policy settings for that collection.

This dialog box is available by right-clicking the specific collection <collection name> and then clicking Modify Collection Settings.

In This Section

Collection Name Settings: Maintenance Windows Tab

Specifies maintenance windows and associated schedules that have been configured for the selected collection.
Collection Name Settings: Power Management Tab

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R3.
Specifies settings for power management of computers in Configuration Manager 2007 R3.
Collection Name Settings: Collection Variables Tab

Specifies defined collection variables and their values for the selected collection.
Collection Name Settings: Advanced Tab

Specifies restart notification and policy interval settings for resources within the selected collection.
Collection Name Settings: Out of Band Tab

Enables or disables automatic out of band management controller provisioning for resources within the selected collection.

See Also