Use the Collection Name Advanced tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 Collection Name Settings dialog box to specify restart notification and policy interval settings for resources within the selected collection.

The Collection Name Advanced tab contains the following elements:

Enable collection specific restart settings

Specifies whether restart notification settings specific to this collection will be enabled. If this option is selected, these settings override any sitewide settings.If this option is selected, the following settings are available for customization:
  • Restart countdown (minutes): Specifies the length of the client restart notification (in minutes) for the computers within this collection. The default setting is 5 minutes.

  • Restart final notification (minutes): Specifies the length of time before restart (in minutes) that a final client notification is displayed for computers within this collection. The default setting is 1 minute.

Enable collection specific policy polling interval

Specifies whether a policy polling interval specific to this collection will be enabled. This interval specifies how often clients in this collection will poll for new policies. If this option is selected, this setting overrides any sitewide policy polling interval.If this option is selected, the following setting must be set:
  • Policy polling interval (minutes): Specifies the interval (in minutes) between client polling for new policies. The default setting is 5 minutes.


Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.
If a client is a member of multiple collections with different polling and restart intervals, it will use the shortest configured interval.

See Also