Use the Collection Variables tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 Collection Name Settings dialog box to define custom task sequence variables and their associated values to be used by the resources in this collection. For more information about task sequence variables use the following link: About Task Sequence Variables

Task sequence variables can also be assigned to computers. Task sequence variables that are assigned to a specific computer have a higher priority than variables assigned to the collection or collections where the Configuration Manager 2007 client is located.

The Collection tab contains the following elements:


Specifies whether custom task sequence variables have been defined for this collection and what their associated values are.
Collection variable names can only contain ASCII characters.
The following options are available for managing collection variables for this collection:
  • New icon: Click to open the New Variable dialog box and create a new collection variable.

  • Properties icon: Click to open the <Name> Variable dialog box to view or modify the current variable settings.

  • Delete icon: Click to delete the selected variable.

The following columns are displayed, showing defined collection variables:
  • Name: Specifies the name of the defined variable.

  • Value: Displays the value of the defined variable unless that value has been masked by the administrator.


Specifies the precedence assigned to the collection task sequence variables for this collection. Precedence level is used to determine which collection variables apply when a client computer is assigned as a member of multiple collections. You can specify precedence by selecting a numeric value from the drop-down list, where 1 is the lowest, and 9 the highest precedence.

Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also