Topic last updated—November 2007

This section provides troubleshooting information to help you resolve issues when using software metering in Configuration Manager 2007.

Usage Data Is Not Being Reported or Is Incomplete for a Software Metering Rule

Configuration Manager 2007 software metering returns no data or incomplete data.


Common causes of software metering data not being reported or being incomplete include the following:

  • The software metering client agent is not enabled. To enable the software metering client agent, see How to Enable or Disable the Software Metering Client Agent.

  • Client computers have not yet reported metering data because of the data collection schedule specified on the Software Metering Client Agent Properties dialog box Schedule tab. Wait for the client to report data to the site server, or consider reducing the Data collection schedule interval.

  • When you specify the file version for a new software metering rule, it's possible that not all computers in your organization are using this version of the software package. You can use Configuration Manager 2007 software inventory to discover which versions are in use and either set up multiple software metering rules to monitor each version or use wildcards to specify the version in the software metering rule.

  • When you specify language settings for a software metering rule, it's possible that some computers in your organization might be running different language versions of the same software package. Either set up multiple software metering rules to meter each language version of the software or set the language to Any in the software metering rule.

  • When Configuration Manager 2007 software metering automatically generates new software metering rules, they are created in a disabled state. You must enable them before they will generate any data. For more information, see How to Enable or Disable a Software Metering Rule.

See Also