Topic last updated—March 2008

Using the Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 License Import Wizard, administrators can import both Microsoft and non-Microsoft licensing information into the Asset Intelligence catalog. After importing licensing information, Asset Intelligence license management reports provide data about the number of purchased licenses for given software titles and information about how many of those licenses are in use.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later.

Example Scenario for Importing Microsoft MVLS Licensing Information into the Asset Intelligence Catalog

In this example, Torsten Arndt, the Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 administrator for Humongous Insurance, will import Microsoft Volume Licensing (MVLS) licensing information into the Asset Intelligence catalog. To do this, Torsten will work closely with Stefan Delmarco, the asset manager for Humongous Insurance, who is registered with MVLS and manages the organization's MVLS licenses.

Process Reference

In preparation for using the Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 License Import Wizard to import purchased MVLS software licenses purchased by Humongous Insurance into the Asset Intelligence catalog, Torsten requests that Stefan store the MVLS licensing information file (in .xml format) in a secured network share location accessible only to Stefan and himself.

Asset Intelligence Security Best Practices and Privacy Information

How to Import Software License Information

After importing MVLS license information into the Asset Intelligence catalog, Torsten and Stefan can use the Asset Intelligence license ledger reports to analyze license usage in comparison to purchased licenses.

About License Ledger Reports

How to Configure Asset Intelligence Object Security for Asset Managers

Example Scenario for Importing Non-Microsoft Licensing Information into the Asset Intelligence Catalog

In this example, Torsten Arndt, the Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 administrator for Humongous Insurance, will import non-Microsoft licensing information into the Asset Intelligence catalog. To do this, Torsten will work closely with Kim Ralls, the software packaging administrator for Humongous Insurance who is responsible for installation and management of all line-of-business applications, and Stefan Delmarco, the asset manager for Humongous Insurance.

Process Reference

To import non-Microsoft software licenses into the Asset Intelligence catalog, the licensing information must be properly formatted, with all required fields present, in an XML-formatted license import file. To make this process easier, Kim uses Microsoft Office Excel to create the licensing file and saves it in XML format.

Importing Software Licenses Into the Asset Intelligence Catalog

In preparation for using the Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 License Import Wizard to import non-Microsoft software licenses purchased by Humongous Insurance into the Asset Intelligence catalog, Torsten requests that Kim store the custom software licensing information file (in XML format) in a secured network share location accessible only to Kim and himself.

Asset Intelligence Security Best Practices and Privacy Information

How to Import Software License Information

After importing the non-Microsoft license information into the Asset Intelligence catalog, Torsten and Stefan can use the Asset Intelligence license management reports to analyze license usage in comparison to purchased licenses.

License Management Reports

How to Configure Asset Intelligence Object Security for Asset Managers

See Also