Use the Configuration Manager 2007 Remote Tools Client Agent Properties dialog box to enable the remote tools client agent and to configure settings for access, security, notification and remote assistance.

Remote Control in the control panel of Configuration Manager 2007 client computers is not visible unless the remote tools client agent is enabled.

In This Section

Remote Tools Client Agent Properties: General Tab

Specifies whether Configuration Manager 2007 remote tools are enabled, policy and notification settings and access levels.
Remote Tools Client Agent Properties: Security Tab

Specifies the Windows user and group names permitted to view and control client computers with Configuration Manager 2007 remote tools and remote assistance.
Remote Tools Client Agent Properties: Notification Tab

Specifies the default settings for client computers to indicate that a Configuration Manager 2007 remote control session is active.
Remote Tools Client Agent Properties: Remote Assistance Tab

Specifies settings for remote assistance and levels of access allowed.