Desired configuration management in Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 allows you to assess the compliance of computers against defined configuration baselines.

When desired configuration management is enabled on a Configuration Manager 2007 site, the information shown in the desired configuration management home page shows a snapshot of configuration baselines that are reporting out of compliance. It also shows the severity level and numbers of compliant and noncompliant client computers.

UI Element List

The desired configuration management home page contains the following elements:

Desired Configuration Compliance Summary

This section displays an overview of configuration baselines that are reporting non-compliance. It also displays counts of compliant and non-compliant client computers. This information can be filtered by non-compliance severity and configuration baseline category.  For more information about the non-compliance severity level, see About the Non-Compliance Severity Level in Desired Configuration Management.  For more information about configuration baseline categories, see About Configuration Categories in Desired Configuration Management.By default, only configuration baselines that are reporting non-compliance with the non-compliance severity of Error are displayed. Change the Minimum severity value or run reports to display non-compliant configuration baselines with other non-compliance severity levels, and compliant configuration baselines. For more information about desired configuration management reports, see About Reports for Desired Configuration Management.
All configuration baselines with an evaluation failure because the data could not be found (discovery error) will report a non-compliance severity level of Warning. All configuration baselines that have an evaluation failure because of an infrastructure failure will report a non-compliance severity level of Information.
Links and Resources

This section displays the following:
  • Navigation links to nodes in the Configuration Manager console that are related to desired configuration management.

  • Web reports that provide further information about desired configuration management.

  • Resources to help topics and information related to desired configuration management.

Actions for the Desired Configuration Management Home Page

The following actions are available on the desired configuration management home page:

Action Description

Schedule Home Page Summarization

Specifies the schedule for the desired configuration management home page summarization, which is how often the home page summarization information is updated in the Configuration Manager 2007 database.
You can configure summarization to occur every x days, hours or minutes. The default summarization interval is 2 hours.

You might need to click Refresh on the desired configuration management home page to view the latest information from the Configuration Manager 2007 database.

Run Home Page Summarization

Specifies that the desired configuration management home page summarization occurs as soon as possible. The data in the Configuration Manager 2007 database is updated to reflect the latest values.

You might need to click Refresh on the desired configuration management home page to view the view the latest information from the Configuration Manager 2007 database.

Give Feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Provides the following view options:

Customize: Specifies which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager 2007 console.

New Window from Here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.


Opens the desired configuration management properties dialog box which allows you to manage class security rights for desired configuration management.


Opens the associated help topic.

See Also