Audit status messages are automatically created for the following actions when using desired configuration management in Configuration Manager 2007:

Auditing the modification of configuration baselines and configuration items records that the object was modified, but it does not include the modification details of how it was modified.

Additionally, the properties of the configuration baseline and configuration item contain the following information on the General tab to help you identify changes to configuration data:

Use the following procedures to view the audit messages and configuration data properties.

To view the audit status messages for configuration baselines and configuration items

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / System Status / Status Message Queries.

  2. Right-click the query All Audit Status Messages from a Specific Site, and then click Show Messages.

  3. In the All Audit Status Messages from a Specific Site dialog box, you are prompted for the site code and time range. Select Site Code, and then type in the site code of the Configuration Manager site that manages desired configuration management.

  4. Select Time, and then either specify the time value for Select data and time or specify the time value for Select date and time.

  5. Click OK.

  6. The audit status messages are displayed in the Status Message Viewer. Locate the status messages that have a Component named Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.dll for desired configuration management.

  7. Right-click each desired configuration management audit status message, and then select Detail. Displayed in the Status Message Details dialog box is more information such as the action audited, the user security context under which the action was performed, the time, and more information about the action itself in the Description.

  8. Click OK to close the Status Message Details dialog box, and close the Status Message Viewer.

    For more information about the option in the Status Message Viewer, see Status Message Viewer Window.

To view the configuration data properties to see creation and modification information

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Desired Configuration Management.

  2. To view information about configuration baselines, click the Configuration Baselines node. To view information about configuration items, click the Configuration Items node.

  3. Click a configuration baseline or configuration item. The bottom of the pane will display the General tab information, which includes the following properties:

    • Type

    • Version

    • Site Code

    • Created

    • Created By

    • Last Modified

    • Last Modified By

    For more information about the options on the desired configuration management home pages, see Configuration Baselines Home Page and Configuration Items Home Page.

See Also