Enabling or disabling Configuration Manager 2007 Network Access Protection (NAP) on clients is a site-wide setting. Once it is enabled, Configuration Manager 2007 can monitor NAP-capable computers on this site.

After enabling the Network Access Protection client agent, any information related to Network Access Protection will be reported in the Network Access Protection node under the sections NAP Remediation Statistics and Error Summary. For more information, see Network Access Protection Home Page.

Additionally, the following options will become available:

Do not enable the Network Access Protection client agent immediately on newly created Configuration Manager 2007 sites; instead, wait until the Configuration Manager site publication has fully replicated to the global catalog servers used by the System Health Validator points. This is particularly important if your Windows Network Policy Server will restrict clients with a compliance status of "Unknown," which maps to the Configuration Manager System Health Validator property of Vendor specific error code received.

This tab contains the following elements:

Enable Network Access Protection on clients

Select to enable Network Access Protection (NAP) for all NAP-capable clients assigned to this Configuration Manager 2007 site. Deselect to disable Network Access Protection for all NAP-capable clients assigned to this Configuration Manager 2007 site.For more information about this option, see About Enabling and Disabling Network Access Protection.For more information about NAP-capable clients, see About the NAP Client Status in Network Access Protection.

Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes, and remains in the dialog box.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also