Network Access Protection (NAP) in Configuration Manager 2007 works with health policies, connection request policies, and network policies on a Windows Network Policy Server, allowing you to select which software updates will be evaluated for compliance. The Configuration Manager 2007 System Health Validator point determines whether a client is compliant or non-compliant and passes this information to the Windows Network Policy Server. The policies on the Windows Network Policy Server then determine whether clients are granted full or limited network access, and whether non-compliant clients are made compliant (remediated).

When Network Access Protection is enabled on a Configuration Manager 2007 site, the information shown in the Network Access Protection node provides a snapshot of how this affects clients in the Configuration Manager 2007 site. It shows how many of the NAP-capable clients are in remediation and the five software updates most frequently required for remediation. It also provides a summary of any problems encountered while remediating clients.

UI Element List

The Network Access Protection home page contains the following elements:

NAP Remediation Statistics

This section displays remediation information that includes how many clients are NAP-capable (derived from hardware inventory), and how many clients were in remediation during the last summarization interval. It also displays the five most frequently requested software updates that were required during remediation.
Remediation can be triggered for system health agents other than Configuration Manager 2007, so the Computers in remediation count can include computers that have not undergone Configuration Manager 2007 remediation.
Error Summary

This section displays the five most frequently encountered Configuration Manager 2007 remediation errors.
Links and Resources

This section displays the following:
  • Navigation links to nodes in the Configuration Manager console that are related to Network Access Protection.

  • List of reports that provide more detailed information about Network Access Protection in Configuration Manager 2007.

  • Resources to related help topics and information related to Network Access Protection.

Actions for the Network Access Protection Home Page

The following actions are available on the home page.

Action Description

Schedule home page summarization

Specifies the schedule for the Network Access Protection home page summarization, which is how often the data displayed on the home page is updated with the most recent data in the site database. Configure summarization to occur every x days, hours, or minutes. By default, summarization is scheduled for every 30 minutes.

Run home page summarization

Specifies that the home page summarization occurs as soon as possible. The data displayed on the home page is updated with the most recent data in the site database. The scheduled summarization will still occur on its scheduled interval.

Give feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Provides the following view options:

  • Add/Remove columns: Specifies which columns display in the results pane. Select the column name from the Available columns window, and click Add to add the column to the displayed columns. Select the column name from the Displayed columns window, and click Remove to remove the columns from the displayed columns. Click Restore Defaults to display the default columns. Click OK to save changes.

  • Export list: Exports the data in the results pane to a Text or Unicode Text file that is tab or comma delimited.

  • Hide search bar: Specifies to hide the search bar located above the results pane.

Customize: Specifies which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager 2007 console window.

New windows from here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.


Opens the associated help topic.

See Also