If Configuration Manager 2007 Internet-based client computers need to connect to the Internet using a proxy server, you can configure the following proxy server options:

You can configure these connection details in the Configuration Manager Properties.

To configure client computers to access their Internet-based management point with a proxy server in Configuration Manager Properties

  1. Navigate to Configuration Manager in the Control Panel of the client computer, and then double-click to open its properties.

  2. On the Internet tab, locate the Proxy Settings section, and then enter the proxy server name or IP address in the Proxy server text box

    The Internet tab is displayed only if the client is communicating in native mode.
  3. If the proxy server is configured for user authentication, specify the user account in the Proxy server user name text box, and then specify the associated password in the Proxy server password text box.

  4. Click OK.

    For more information about the options on this tab, see Configuration Manager Properties: Internet Tab.

See Also