Use the Copy Reports to Reporting Services Wizard in Configuration Manager 2007 to copy the standard Configuration Manager reports to SQL Reporting Services.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 and Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

This wizard contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Data Source Settings page

  • Server name: Enter the name of the Configuration Manager 2007 database server to be used as the data source for SQL Reporting Services. To specify a database instance, use the format <Server Name>\<Instance Name>.

  • Database name: Enter the name of the Configuration Manager 2007 database to be used as the data source for SQL Reporting Services.

  • Test: Click to test the connection to the Configuration Manager 2007 database.

    If the connection test fails, a red warning symbol appears. Move the cursor over this symbol to read details of the failure. Correct the failure, and then click Test again.

Data Source Authentication page

  • Credentials supplied by the user running the report: This option is not currently supported by SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.

  • Display the following text to prompt the user for a username and password: This option is not currently supported by SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.

  • Credentials stored securely in the report server: Select this option if you want to store an encrypted user name and password for users to use to access reports on the report server. Use this option when you must run reports unattended—for example, initiate a report by a subscription.

  • User name: If the option Credentials stored securely in the report server is selected, enter the user name that users must use to access reports.

  • Password: If the option Credentials stored securely in the report server is selected, enter the password that users must use to access reports.

  • Use as Windows credentials when connecting to the data source: Select this check box if the specified credentials are Windows authentication credentials. Do not select this check box if you are using database authentication (for example, SQL Server authentication).

  • Impersonate the authenticated user after a connection has been made to the data source: If the option Credentials stored securely in the report server is selected, this option can be used to delegate credentials if the data source supports it. For more information about this option, see Microsoft SQL Server Books Online.

  • Windows integrated security: If selected, the credentials of the logged-on user are used to access the data source.

  • Credentials are not required: If selected, you do not have to enter credentials to connect to the data source.

Select Reports page

Specifies the reports you want to copy to the reporting services point.

  • Import existing reports – Specifies that you want to import existing Configuration Manager 2007 reports into SQL Reporting Services.

  • Import Report Definition Language files from a Microsoft signed cabinet file – Specifies that you want to import a Microsoft-signed cabinet file containing reports into SQL Reporting Services.

  • Overwrite existing reports - Overwrites any reports that already exist on the Reporting Services point.

Security page

Specifies the users and associated permissions that will be applied to the copied reports. For more information about the options on this page, see Reporting Services Properties: Security Tab.


Displays a summary of the actions that the wizard will take.


Confirms that the Configuration Manager reports were successfully copied to the Reporting Services point. When the wizard fails to copy reports, this page displays an error.

See Also