Topic Last Updated—August 2008

The Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 SQL Reporting Services feature provides a set of tools and resources that help you use the advanced reporting capabilities of SQL Reporting services from the Configuration Manager console.

The topics in this section provide detailed information about planning, configuring, and troubleshooting SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 and Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

In This Section

Overview of SQL Reporting Services

Provides an overview of SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Prerequisites for SQL Reporting Services

Provides information about prerequisites necessary for using SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Planning for SQL Reporting Services

Provides information about planning for using SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Best Practices for SQL Reporting Services

Provides best practice information about implementing SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Configuring SQL Reporting Services

Provides tasks to configure SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Tasks for SQL Reporting Services

Provides a set of tasks to perform SQL Reporting Services objectives in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Troubleshooting SQL Reporting Services

Provides information to help you troubleshoot SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.
Technical Reference for SQL Reporting Services

Provides technical reference information for SQL Reporting Services in Configuration Manager 2007 R2.

See Also