Assembly: Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider (in microsoft.configurationmanagement.managementprovider.dll)
Visual Basic |
Dim instance As Status |
Visual Basic |
Public Enumeration Status |
C# |
public enum Status |
C++ |
public enum class Status |
J# |
public enum Status |
JScript |
public enum Status |
Member name | Description |
AccessDenied | Permissions have not been granted to perform the requested action. |
AggregatingByObject | A GROUP BY clause incorrectly references a property that represents an embedded object. |
AlreadyExists | A put operation specifies a flag for an instance that already exists. |
AmendedObject | A put operation uses an amended object without the correct qualifiers. |
BackupRestoreWinmgmtRunning | A request was made to back up or restore the database while WinMgmt.exe was using it. |
BufferTooSmall | The supplied buffer is too small to hold all the objects in the enumerator or to read a string property. |
CallCanceled | An asynchronous process was canceled internally or by the user. |
CannotBeAbstract | The class was made abstract without having an abstract super class. |
CannotBeKey | An illegal key qualifier specification was attempted on a property that cannot be a key. |
CannotBeSingleton | An illegal class singleton specification was attempted. |
CannotChangeIndexInheritance | An illegal index change was attempted when instances or derived classes were using the index. |
CannotChangeKeyInheritance | An illegal key change was attempted when instances or derived classes were using the key. |
CircularReference | An illegal creation of a circular reference was attempted. |
ClassHasChildren | An illegal class change was attempted that might have invalidated a derived class. |
ClassHasInstances | A deletion or change was attempted for a class that has instances. |
ClientTooSlow | The client was retrieving objects too slowly. |
CriticalError | An internal, critical, and unexpected error occurred. Report this error to Microsoft Customer Support Services. |
Different | Compared items are not identical. |
DuplicateObjects | More than one copy of the same object was detected in the result set. |
Failed | The call failed. |
False | No more objects are available. |
IllegalNull | A null value was specified for a property that cannot be null, for example, a property having a Not_Null qualifier. |
IllegalOperation | The query requested an illegal operation, for example, using an instance to spawn a class. |
IncompleteClass | The current object is not a valid class instance because it is incomplete, or because it has not been registered in a put operation. |
InitializationFailure | The management provider failed to initialize for internal reasons. |
InvalidCimType | The specified CIM type is not valid. |
InvalidClass | The specified class is not valid. |
InvalidContext | The specified context object is not valid. |
InvalidDuplicateParameter | A duplicate parameter was declared in a CIM method. |
InvalidFlavor | The specified flavor is not valid. |
InvalidMethod | An invalid method was called. |
InvalidMethodParameters | Invalid method parameters were used. |
InvalidNamespace | The specified namespace could not be found. |
InvalidObject | The specified instance is not valid. |
InvalidObjectPath | The specified object path is not valid. |
InvalidOperation | The specified operation is not valid. |
InvalidOperator | The specified operator is not valid for the property type. |
InvalidParameter | A parameter specified in a method call is not correct. |
InvalidParameterId | A parameter has an invalid identifier. |
InvalidProperty | The specified property type is not valid. |
InvalidPropertyType | The CIM type specified for a property is not valid. |
InvalidProviderRegistration | The referenced provider has an invalid registration. |
InvalidQualifier | Mismatched qualifiers were used, for example, a key qualifier was used on an object instead of a property. |
InvalidQualifierType | A qualifier value is not of a valid type. |
InvalidQuery | The query syntax is not correct. |
InvalidQueryType | The specified query language is not supported. |
InvalidStream | One or more network packets were corrupted. |
InvalidSuperclass | The specified super class is not valid. |
InvalidSyntax | An invalid syntax was used. |
LocalCredentials | Local credentials were used when the user should have used default security. |
MarshalInvalidSignature | A network packet is corrupted by an invalid signature. |
MarshalVersionMismatch | A network packet has an unsupported version. |
MethodDisabled | An attempt was made to run a method that is specified as disabled. |
MethodNotImplemented | An attempt was made to run a method that is not specified as implemented in the relevant class. |
MissingAggregationList | A GROUP BY clause was used for properties not supporting aggregation. |
MissingGroupWithin | A GROUP BY clause was used without the corresponding GROUP WITHIN clause. |
MissingParameterId | A method call was missing a parameter. |
NoError | The query was successful. |
NoMoreData | No more data is available and the query should terminate. |
NonconsecutiveParameterIds | One or more method parameters had identifiers that were out of sequence. |
NondecoratedObject | The operation used a nondecorated object that does not convert. |
NotAvailable | The server is not currently available. |
NotEventClass | The FROM clause references a class that is not an event class. |
NotFound | The object could not be found. |
NotSupported | The feature or operation is not supported. |
OperationCanceled | The operation was canceled. |
OutOfDiskSpace | The operation could not continue because of insufficient disk space. |
OutOfMemory | There was not enough memory to perform the operation. |
OverrideNotAllowed | An operation cannot be performed because the owning object does not permit overrides. |
ParameterIdOnRetval | A method return value has an illegal identifier qualifier. |
PartialResults | All requested objects could not be retrieved because resources (other than security violations) were not available. |
Pending | An operation is in progress and results are not yet available. |
PrivilegeNotHeld | The operation could not complete because the user did not have the required security privilege. |
PropagatedMethod | The operation attempted to reuse an existing super class method name, and the signatures did not match. |
PropagatedProperty | A deletion was attempted for an inherited property that was not owned. |
PropagatedQualifier | A deletion was attempted for an inherited qualifier that was not owned. |
PropertyNotAnObject | A property was illegally represented as an embedded object. |
ProviderFailure | The provider failed after initialization. |
ProviderLoadFailure | The referenced provider fails on loading. |
ProviderNotCapable | The provider is not able to perform the requested operation, for example, if the query is too complex. |
ProviderNotFound | The referenced provider is not registered. |
QueryNotImplemented | The query is not implemented. |
QueueOverflow | The asynchronous delivery queue overflowed. |
ReadOnly | An attempt was made to modify a read-only property. |
RefresherBusy | The operation cannot complete because the refresher is busy. |
RegistrationTooBroad | The provider registration overlaps with the system event domain. |
RegistrationTooPrecise | The provider registration was too precise since the query did not use a WITHIN clause. |
ResetToDefault | An overridden property was deleted, restoring the original value. |
ServerTooBusy | The server is too busy to handle the delivery of an event raised by the provider. |
ShuttingDown | The operation cannot complete because the server is shutting down. |
SystemProperty | An attempt was made to retrieve qualifiers on a system property. |
Timedout | A method call timed out. Some results might be retrieved in this case. |
TooManyProperties | The operation attempted to create more properties than the class supports. |
TooMuchData | An attempt was made to retrieve too much data. |
TransportFailure | Normal operation was suspended because of a network error. |
TypeMismatch | The operation produced a type mismatch. |
Unexpected | An illegal sequence of calls was made by the client. |
UninterpretableProviderQuery | Provider registration did not specify the classes providing events. |
UnknownObjectType | The marshaling operation encountered an object with an incorrect type or version. |
UnknownPacketType | The marshaling operation encountered a packet with an incorrect type or version. |
UnparsableQuery | The query did not have a valid syntax. |
UnsupportedClassUpdate | A specified class is not supported. |
UnsupportedParameter | A specified parameter was too complex or is not supported. |
UnsupportedPutExtension | The provider cannot support the specified put operation. |
UpdateOverrideNotAllowed | A derived class attempted to override a qualifier that cannot be overridden. |
UpdatePropagatedMethod | A derived class redeclared a method with a signature conflict. |
UpdateTypeMismatch | A derived class redefined a property with a type conflict. |
ValueOutOfRange | A request used an out-of-range value, or a value that did not match the data type. |