Class | Description |
AsyncOperationDatabase | Manages a single running asynchronous operation in Configuration Manager 2007 and stores all state data. |
BitFlag | Handles the bit flags within an integer in Configuration Manager 2007. |
ConnectionManagerBase | Represents the connection manager that accesses the Configuration Manager 2007 console for query operations made throughout the managed Configuration Manager libraries. |
InitializerAttribute | Represents an initializer attribute that is used to properly configure the connection manager for use in Configuration Manager 2007. |
InitializerInstaller | Places information into the registry about each initializer assembly in Configuration Manager 2007. |
LoadXmlHelpers | Defines helper elements for the loading of XML in Configuration Manager 2007 by the management provider. |
QueryProcessorAttribute | Represents a query processor attribute in Configuration Manager 2007. |
QueryProcessorBase | Represents a query processor for the connection manager in Configuration Manager 2007. |
QueryProcessorInstaller | Places information into the registry about each connection manager and query processor assembly in Configuration Manager 2007. |
QueryProcessorObjectEventArgs | Represents one query result object from an executing query in Configuration Manager 2007. |
QueryProcessorObjectsEventArgs | Represents a block of result objects from an executing query in Configuration Manager 2007. |
QueryProcessorSetupEventArgs | Passes initial setup information about a query in Configuration Manager 2007, including the count of items in the result set. |
QueryPropertyItemBase | Manages result object properties in Configuration Manager 2007. |
ResultObjectBase | Represents a result object base in Configuration Manager 2007, and used to create a wrapper that supports the IResultObject interface |
ResultObjectPropertyItems | Manages settings for a single property for multiple underlying ResultObjectBase instances in Configuration Manager 2007. |
ResultObjectsManager | Encapsulates a collection of result objects in a generic manner in Configuration Manager 2007 so that most console operations do not have to be concerned with the type of the underlying object (WQL or SQL). |
ResultUpdateEventArgs | Passes initial setup information about a result object update in Configuration Manager 2007. |
SmsBackgroundWorker | Runs an operation on a separate thread in Configuration Manager 2007. |
SmsConnectionException | Defines an exception in Configuration Manager 2007 that indicates problems with the connection for a ConnectionManagerBase object. |
SmsException | Serves as the base class for Configuration Manager 2007 exceptions. |
SmsMultipleResultException | Defines a multiple result exception in Configuration Manager 2007. |
SmsNamedValuesDictionary | Represents global named values stored by a key value into a dictionary that is accessible by the Configuration Manager 2007 console framework. |
SmsQueryException | Serves as the base class for Configuration Manager 2007 query exceptions. |
SmsSecurityObject | Defines a management provider security object in Configuration Manager 2007. |
Interface | Description |
IInitializer | Represents an initializer for the connection manager in Configuration Manager 2007, and used to receive configuration and session information. All connection managers must support this interface. |
IQueryPropertyItem | Represents a single property of a result object in Configuration Manager 2007 that supports data binding. |
IResultObject | Exposes data for result objects in Configuration Manager 2007, which are individual management objects or result sets containing one or more objects. |
Delegate | Description |
ReportProgress | Serves as a delegate that reports progress during multi-instance operations in Configuration Manager 2007. |
Enumeration | Description |
AddressTypeFlags | Defines address type flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_AddressType Server WMI Class. |
AdvertisementActionInProgress | Defines values for the actions that can be performed on a package by Configuration Manager 2007. These values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class and SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
AdvertisementFlags | Defines advertisement flags. The flags correspond to the values for the AdvertFlags property in several Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution classes, primarily SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class. |
AdvertisementPriority | Defines values for advertisement priorities. The values correspond to the values for the Priority property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class. |
AdvertisementRemoteClientFlags | Defines advertisement remote client flags. The flags correspond to the values for the RemoteClientFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class. |
AdvertisementTimeFlags | Defines advertisement time flags. The flags correspond to the values for the TimeFlags property in Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class. |
AsyncOperationDatabase.CurrentStatus | Defines current status values for an asynchronous operation in Configuration Manager 2007 that is represented by AsyncOperationDatabase. |
CertificateTypeFlags | Defines certificate type flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployment SMS_CertificateInfo Server WMI Class. |
ClientAdvertisementStatusLastAcceptanceMessageIdSeverity | Defines values for last acceptance message identity severity. The values correspond to the values for the LastAcceptanceMessageIDSeverity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Server WMI Class. |
ClientAdvertisementStatusLastStatusMessageIdSeverity | Defines values for client advertisement last status message identifier severity. The values correspond to the values for the LastStatusMessageIDSeverity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_ClientAdvertisementStatus Server WMI Class. |
ClientCompFlags | Defines client component flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_ClientComp Server WMI Class. |
ClientConfigFlag | Defines client configuration block flags. The flags correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_ClientConfig Server WMI Class. |
CollectionCurrentStatus | Defines values for the current status of a collection. The values correspond to the values for the CurrentStatus property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Collection Server WMI Class. |
CollectionRefreshType | Defines values for the refresh type of a collection. The values correspond to the values for the RefreshType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Collection Server WMI Class. |
ComponentFlag | Defines component flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flag property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_SCI_Component Server WMI Class. |
ComponentSummarizerState | Defines values for the component summarizer state. The Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
ComponentSummarizerStatus | Defines values for the component summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
ComponentSummarizerType | Defines values for the component summarizer type. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_ComponentSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
ConfigurationFlags | Defines site configuration flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_Configuration Server WMI Class. |
ConnectionManagerBase.EscapeQuoteType | Defines escape characters for user inputs in Configuration Manager 2007. |
DeviceFlags | Defines device flags in Configuration Manager 2007. |
DistributionPointStatus | Defines values for the current status of a package on a distribution point. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_DistributionPoint Server WMI Class. |
FileListFlags | Defines flags that specify how a component should be installed. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_Component_FileList Server WMI Class. |
InitializerAttribute.ApplicationType | Defines the application types in Configuration Manager 2007 for which the InitializerAttribute is used. |
MaintenanceTaskDaysOfWeek | Defines values for the days of the week that are scheduled for a maintenance task. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_MaintenanceTask Server WMI Class. |
MaintenanceTaskType | Defines maintenance task types. The values correspond to the values for the TaskType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_MaintenanceTask Server WMI Class. |
NalProviderFlag | Defines network abstraction layer (NAL) provider flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_NALProvider Server WMI Class. |
PackageAccessByUsers | Defines values for package access user rights. The values correspond to the values for the Access property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageAccessByUsers Server WMI Class. |
PackageActionInProgress | Defines values for a current package action. The values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
PackageFlags | Defines package flags. The values correspond to the values for the PkgFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
PackagePriority | Defines values for package priority. The values correspond to the values for the Priority property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class and SMS_Advertisement Server WMI Class. |
PackageShareType | Defines values for package share types. The values correspond to the values for the ShareType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
PackageSourceFlag | Defines package source flags. The values correspond to the values for the PkgSourceFlag property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
PackageStatus | Defines values for package status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class. |
PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizerState | Defines values for package status distribution point summarizer state. The values correspond to the values for the State property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatusDistPointsSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
PackageStatusPersonality | Defines values for package status personality. The values correspond to the values for the Personality property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class. |
PackageStatusType | Defines values for package status type. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageStatus Server WMI Class. |
PackageType | Defines values for package type. The values correspond to the values for the PackageType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PackageBaseclass Server WMI Class. |
PdfPackageStatus | Defines values for PDF package status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_PDF_Package Server WMI Class. |
ProgramActionInProgress | Defines values for the current action being performed on a package that is associated with a program. The values correspond to the values for the ActionInProgress property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Program Server WMI Class. |
ProgramFlags | Defines program flags. The values correspond to the values for the ProgramFlags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 software distribution SMS_Program Server WMI Class. |
PropertyDisplayNodeFlags | Defines property display node flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 resource management SMS_PropertyDisplayNode Server WMI Class. |
ProviderMessages | Defines management provider messages in Configuration Manager 2007. |
RecurMonthlyByWeekdayDay | Defines day values for schedule token event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the Day property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Server WMI Class. |
RecurMonthlyByWeekdayWeekOrder | Defines week order for schedule token event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the WeekOrder property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurMonthlyByWeekday Server WMI Class. |
RecurWeeklyDay | Defines day values for schedule token weekly event recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the Day property in the Configuration Manager 2007 scheduling SMS_ST_RecurWeekly Server WMI Class. |
SearchFolderModifiers | Defines search folder modifiers in Configuration Manager 2007. |
SecuredObjectAvailableClassPermissions | Defines available class permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the AvailableClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class. |
SecuredObjectAvailableInstancePermissions | Defines available instance permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the AvailableInstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class. |
SecuredObjectDefaultClassPermissions | Defines default class permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the DefaultClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class. |
SecuredObjectDefaultInstancePermissions | Defines default instance permissions for a secured object. The values correspond to the values for the DefaultInstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_SecuredObject Server WMI Class. |
SecurityFlags | Defines security flags in Configuration Manager 2007. Similar values are defined by the MPAPI_SECURITY_FLAGS Enumeration. |
SenderTypeFlags | Defines sender type flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_SenderType Server WMI Class. |
SiteControlDayScheduleHourUsage | Defines hour usage values for a site control day schedule. The values correspond to the values for the HourUsage property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule Server WMI Class. |
SiteControlFileType | Defines values for site control file types. The values correspond to the values for the FileType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlFile Server WMI Class. |
SiteControlItemFileType | Defines values for site control item file types. The values correspond to the values for the FileType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SiteControlItem Server WMI Class. |
SiteDefinitionType | Defines values for site definition types. The values correspond to the values for the SiteType property in Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition Server WMI Class. |
SiteDetailSummarizerStatus | Defines status values. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteDetailSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
SiteRequestedStatus | Defines values for requested status. The values correspond to the values for the RequestedStatus property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class. |
SiteStatus | Defines values for site status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class. |
SiteSystemSummarizerObjectType | Defines values for object type. The values correspond to the values for the ObjectType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
SiteSystemSummarizerStatus | Defines values for site system summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SiteSystemSummarizer Server WMI Class. |
SiteType | Defines values for site types. The values correspond to the values for the Type property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_Site Server WMI Class. |
SmsClientMessages | Defines client messages that are handled by the Available Programs Agent (APA) for Configuration Manager 2007. |
SmsErrorCode | Defines Configuration Manager 2007 management provider error codes. |
SmsQueryException.Status | Defines status values for SmsQueryException. |
SqlCmdDaysOfWeek | Defines day values for SQL command recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLCmd Server WMI Class. |
SqlTaskDaysOfWeek | Defines day values for SQL task recurrence. The values correspond to the values for the DaysOfWeek property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLTask Server WMI Class. |
SqlTaskType | Defines values for SQL task type. The values correspond to the values for the TaskType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SCI_SQLTask Server WMI Class. |
StatMsgAttributesAttributeId | Defines identifier values for status message attributes. The values correspond to the values for the AttributeID property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatMsgAttributes Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessagePerClient | Defines values for client status messages. The values correspond to the values for the PerClient property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessageReportFunction | Defines values for the status message report function. The values correspond to the values for the ReportFunction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessageSeverity | Defines values for status message severity. The values correspond to the values for the Severity property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessageSuccessfulTransaction | Defines values for a successful transaction status message. The values correspond to the values for the SuccessfulTransaction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessageTransaction | Defines values indicating if a transaction status message is enabled. The values correspond to the values for the Transaction property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
StatusMessageType | Defines values for status message type. The values correspond to the values for the MessageType property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_StatusMessage Server WMI Class. |
SummarizerRootStatus | Defines values for summarizer root status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerRootStatus Server WMI Class. |
SummarizerSiteStatus | Defines values for summarizer site status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerSiteStatus Server WMI Class. |
SummarizerStatus | Defines values for summarizer status. The values correspond to the values for the Status property in the Configuration Manager 2007 status and state SMS_SummarizerStatus Server WMI Class. |
SysResRoleFlags | Defines system resource role flags. The values correspond to the values for the Flags property in the Configuration Manager 2007 site configuration SMS_SIIB_SysResRole Server WMI Class. |
TaskSequenceFlags | Defines task sequence flags in Configuration Manager 2007 that indicate the state of the SMS_TaskSequence Server WMI Class reference. |
UserClassPermissions | Defines user class permissions. The values correspond to the values for the ClassPermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_UserClassPermissions Server WMI Class. |
UserInstancePermissions | Defines user instance permissions. The values correspond to the values for the InstancePermissions property in the Configuration Manager 2007 security SMS_UserInstancePermissions Server WMI Class. |
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