The SMS_SummarizerStatus Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class is an SMS Provider server class, in Configuration Manager, that identifies registered summarizers, without defining any specific status information.

The following syntax is simplified from Managed Object Format (MOF) code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_SummarizerStatus : SMS_BaseClass
	String GUID_ID;
	String MessageDLL;
	UInt32 MessageID;
	String SiteCode;
	UInt32 Status;
	DateTime Updated;


The SMS_SummarizerStatus class does not define any methods.



Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [key]GUID under which the summarizer is registered in the registry.

Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: NoneResource DLL containing the localized name of the summarizer.

Data type: StringAccess type: Read/Write Qualifiers: NoneID the string resource in the MessageDLL property that contains the localized name of the summarizer.

Data type: StringAccess type: Read/WriteQualifiers: [key]Site code of the Configuration Manager site.

Data type: UInt32Access type: Read/WriteQualifiers: NoneValue indicating the health of the data associated with the registered summarizer. Possible values are:


OK. There are no warning or error messages.


Warning. Warning messages were generated, but error messages were not generated. This status also indicates that the storage objects are approaching their threshold.


Critical. There are error messages, or the storage objects have exceeded their thresholds.


Data type: DateTimeAccess type: Read-only Qualifiers: NoneDate and time when the registration was last updated.


Class qualifiers for this class include:

  • Read (read-only)

For more information about both the class qualifiers and the property qualifiers included in the Properties section, see Configuration Manager Class and Property Qualifiers.


Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

Other Resources

Status Server WMI Classes

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