In Configuration Manager 2007, the ICCMTargetedUpdate interface represents a targeted software update, which is a deployed update in a collection, represented by ICCMUpdatesCollection Interface. ICCMTargetedUpdate inherits from IDispatch.

In This Section

Term Definition

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetArticleId Method

Gets the software update knowledge base article ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetBulletinId Method

Gets the software update bulletin ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetDownloadSize Method

Gets the download size of the update content.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetEnforcementDeadline Method

Gets the software update enforcement deadline.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetExclusiveUpdateOption Method

Gets the software update exclusive update option value that indicates whether the update should be installed independently.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetId Method

Gets the software update ID.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetInfoLink Method

Gets the software update information link.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetManufacturer Method

Gets the software update manufacturer.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetName Method

Gets the software update name.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetNotificationOption Method

Gets the software update notification value.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetProgress Method

Gets the software update installation progress.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetRebootDeadline Method

Gets the software update reboot deadline.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetState Method

Gets the software update presence state.

ICCMTargetedUpdate::GetSummary Method

Gets the software update summary.


The caller retrieves an ICCMTargetedUpdate object by using the ICCMUpdatesCollection::GetUpdate Method. For an example of the use of this class, see How to Enumerate Software Updates.


The UUID for ICCMTargetedUpdate is 35EFB665-4089-45cf-AD75-E60739B38E6F.


Runtime Requirements

Development Requirements

See Also

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