Microsoft Provisioning Framework components

Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF) includes a variety of components that support transaction provisioning. These components include databases, service providers, and other components. This section provides an overview of those components. For more information about them, see Understanding Provisioning Manager. The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you deploy MPF. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK and documentation.

Core components

The core components of MPF include the provisioning engine that provides the fundamental support for processing all provisioning requests. For more information on the core components installed with MPF, see Performing installation tasks. For more information on MPF provisioning engines, see Provisioning engines in Provisioning Manager Help.

Client components

The client components of MPF handle client requests received by MPF, including the connections for incoming requests. Client components can include the optional Internet Server Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) client. For more information on MPF clients, see Clients in Provisioning Manager Help.

Provisioning Queue Manager service

The Provisioning Queue Manager service handles all batch and other queued requests that enable the submission of requests for later processing. For more information on MPF Queue Managers, see Queue managers in Provisioning Manager Help.

Resource Manager engine

The Resource Manager engine is responsible for the allocation of resources across all implemented components, including Active Directory resources and any additional provider resources implemented as part of Microsoft Provisioning System. For more information on the MPF Resource Manager, see Resource management.

Provisioning Manager

The Provisioning Manager graphical user interface is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC). You can use it to manage most components of MPF, including each provisioning engine, queue manager, auditing and recovery manager, transaction log, and the audit log. For more information, see Provisioning Manager.

Providers and their namespaces

Providers and their namespaces can be included or excluded individually from your MPF installation, depending on your provisioning requirements. These providers and namespaces include the following:

This list does not include the providers and namespaces that are installed separately as Microsoft Provisioning System components after MPF is installed. For more information on all of the providers and namespaces that you can install with Microsoft Provisioning System, see Providers and namespaces.


MPF implements several databases that provide configuration, logging, and resource management support. This includes the following SQL databases:


The Sample Web Site component

The Sample Web Site component, which is optional, is useful in a single computer test installation to demonstrate the functionality available in MPF. The sample Web site is not intended to be used in a production environment.
