
The BlockModelRMO and CoreRMO namespaces implement functionality for the Resource Manager in Microsoft Provisioning Framework (MPF). The BlockModelRMO namespace supports resource management based on fixed-block allocation. In the block model, each resource has a maximum capacity and each consumer allocation uses a given percentage of that capacity.

The BlockModelRMO namespace implements the following procedures:

Procedure Description
Add Resource Capacity Data Associates block-model resource capacity information with a candidate set of resource instances previously defined in the Resource Manager database using CoreRMO Provider.
Add Resource Type Data Adds block-model allocation data for a particular resource type.
Allocate Allocates one or more consumers to a set of resource instances.
Delete Allocation Deletes allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the resource target set.
Move Allocation Deletes allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the source resource set, and creates corresponding allocations for resources in the destination resource set.
Query Consumer Allocations Returns all allocations between a particular consumer instance and a set of resources.
Query Resource Allocations Returns all allocations between a particular resource instance and a set of consumers.
Query Resource Capacity Data Returns the resource capacity data for a specified resource instance.
Query Resource Type Data Returns the model data associated with a resource type.
Rank By Capacity Ranks the resources in a candidate set according to one of the four resource capacity metrics. The rank can be based on order of decreasing available capacity (default) or increasing available capacity (for best fit).
Select By Capacity Keeps resources in a candidate set that match the required capacity constraints. Constraints can be imposed on both the maximum and free values of actual and virtual capacity.
Update Allocation Updates allocations that exist between consumers in the consumer target set and resources in the resource target set.
Update Resource Capacity Data Updates capacity data associated with a set of resource instances.
Update Resource Type Data Updates model data associated with a particular resource type.
Verify Resource Capacity Data Checks that the resource capacity data in the database is within acceptable tolerance of the passed-in capacity data.



The Microsoft Provisioning Framework Software Development Kit (SDK) contains additional resources to help you implement the BlockModel RMO namespace. For more information on the SDK and how to use it, see Microsoft Provisioning Framework SDK.