
Imports a resource into the VMM library.


The Import-SCLibraryPhysicalResource cmdlet imports a resource into the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) library. Self-service users can only import resources into their designated user role data path or a folder under that path.

For more information about Import--SCLibraryPhysicalResource, type: "Get-Help Imort-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -online".



Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? 1
Specifies a path to a valid library share on an existing library server that uses a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. 

Example format: –SharePath "\\LibServer01\LibShare"


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? 0
Specifies the path to the resource that will be imported.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that network file transfers do not require encryption. Allowing unencrypted network file transfers can improve performance if neither the source host nor the destination host requires encryption. 

Use this parameter to: 
- Allow unencrypted file transfers into, or out of, the library.
- Allow unencrypted file transfers into, out of, or within a host group.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that files with the same name are overwritten when importing or exporting resources into or out of the VMM library.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1. Import a library resource by an administrator or delegated administrator.
PS C:\> Import-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -SourcePath "C:\AdminFolder\VHD01.vhd" -SharePath "\\VMMLibraryServer\MSSCVMMLibrary\ImportedLibraryResources" -OverwriteExistingFiles

This command imports the virtual hard disk named VHD01.vhdd stored in the folder named C:\AdminFolder into the specified library path. If a resource with that name already exists in that library path, this command will overwrite those files.
2. Import a library resource by a self-service user by specifing a path under the default user role data path in the VMM library.
PS C:\> Import-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -SourcePath "C:\SSFolder\VHD01.vhd" -SharePath "\\<DefaultUserRoleDataPath>\SSUserSubfolder\Folder01"

This command imports the virtual hard disk named VHD01 from the folder named C:\SSFolder to the SSUserSubFolder\Folder01 folder stored under the default user role data path for the self-service user role of which the logged on user is a member.
3. Import a library resource by a self-service user to the default user role data path in the VMM library.
PS C:\> Import-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -SourcePath "C:\SSFolder\VHD01.vhd"
This command imports the file named VHD01.vhd stored in C:\SSFolder to the default user role data path for the self-service user role of which the logged on user is a member.

See Also