
Exports a library resource form a VMM library share to a local file folder or network share.


The Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource exports (copies) a library resource from a System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) library share to a local file folder or network share.

For more information about Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource, type: "Get-Help Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the destination path for the operation.

Example formats:
 Local path	 -Path "F:\"
 UNC path		 -Path "\\Library\Templates"
 Volume GUID path -Path "\\?\Volume{4703c1ea-8ae7-11db-b473-00123f7603e3}\"
 VMware ESX path  –Path "[storage1]\MyVMwareFolderForVMs\MyVM.vmx"
 Citrix XenServer path - Path “Local storage[99b6212f-b63d-c676-25f9-d6c460992de7]”

Wildcards are supported for "Get" cmdlets and when you specify the UNC path:

Example format:
 UNC path		 -Path "\\VMHostServer\MyVMs\*VM*"


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a resource object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that network file transfers do not require encryption. Allowing unencrypted network file transfers can improve performance if neither the source host nor the destination host requires encryption. 

Use this parameter to: 
- Allow unencrypted file transfers into, or out of, the library.
- Allow unencrypted file transfers into, out of, or within a host group.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that files with the same name are overwritten when importing or exporting resources into or out of the VMM library.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1. Export a specific library resource to a local file folder.
PS C:\> $Resource = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -Name "VHD01.vhd"
PS C:\> Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -Resource $Resource -Path "C:\ExportedLibResources" -OverwriteExistingFiles
The first command gets the virtual hard disk object named VHD01 and stores the object in the $Resource variable.

The second command exports the resource stored in $Resource to the folder named C:\ExportedLibResources. If the resource had been previously exported to this folder, this command would overwrite any of those files.
2. Export a library resource to a network share.
PS C:\> $Resource = Get-SCApplicationPackage -Name "WebApp01.zip"
PS C:\> Export-SCLibraryPhysicalResource -Resource $Resource -Path "\\FileShare01\LibExports"

The first command gets the application package object named WebApp01.zip and stores the object in the $Resource variable.

The second command exports the library resource stored in $Resource to the network share named \\FileShare01\LibExports.

See Also