Topic last updated—August 2007
Software Updates Fail on Child Sites
but Succeed on Parent Sites
Delays in replication or failures in replication of content to child sites could cause software updates to fail.
Possible Solution
Check the deployments and packages at the child site to verify that they have been replicated correctly.
SMS 2003 Reports Might Not Work
in Configuration Manager
Changes in the views used for software updates reporting might cause reports created in Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 to fail or return inaccurate data.
Possible Solution
Re-create the reports in Configuration Manager 2007.
Reports Show Error 0x80040668
If you see error code 0x80040668 in the report Troubleshooting 2 - Deployment Errors, updates for the deployment have usually been successfully installed despite receiving the error. The description for this error is "Software update still detected as actionable after apply."
Possible Solution
This is usually a temporary condition. Wait for the next software update deployment evaluation cycle, and verify that the error has not reappeared.
Upgraded Administrators Do Not Have
Access to All Objects
After upgrading, the user who ran the upgrade has access to all the objects in the Configuration Manager 2007 console but existing administrators have access only to objects that existed prior to upgrade.
Possible Solution
Only the user who runs Setup has access to the new objects after an upgrade. Administrators who had full rights to all SMS 2003 software updates objects will have full rights to the same objects in Configuration Manager 2007, but they will not have any rights to new object types such as deployment templates and update lists. Manually grant administrators access to the new objects they will manage.
Reports Show Error 0x8024400E "SOAP
message could not be processed"
If you see reports in the category Software Updates - E. Troubleshooting with the following error, it might be a temporary issue or it could indicate a problem with the configuration of the software update point.
WU_E_PT_SOAP_SERVER SOAP_E_SERVER 0x8024400E - The SOAP message could not be processed due to a server error; resend later
Possible Solution
Check the configuration of the software update point.
Reports Missing State Message
State messages for deployments are replicated up the hierarchy to the site where the deployment was created. State messages for software updates are replicated to the site that synchronized with Microsoft Update, typically the central site. Reports run from a site higher in the hierarchy will not display information for the state messages that were replicated to a lower-level site.
Possible Solution
Synchronization to Microsoft Update should be configured at the central site for compliance information to be available in reports at the central site. Deployments should be created at the site where reports will be run for the deployment evaluation and enforcement state.
As Soon as Possible NAP Evaluation
Setting Not Working
When Enable NAP evaluation is selected in the properties for a software update and Date and time is configured, switching to As soon as possible might not change the date and time to the current time when you exit the dialog box.
Possible Solution
Instead of using the As soon as possible setting, configure the Date and time setting to the current date and time. This issue does not occur when changing the effective date and time to As soon as possible in the properties for the Network Access Protection policy, located in Policies under the Network Access Protection node.
Installing Software Updates Outside
of Configuration Manager Might Impact Compliance Reports
When software updates that are required are installed outside of Configuration Manager—for example, by manually installing the software update or by using Automatic Updates—the Software Updates Client Agent will continue to show the software update as pending. During the next scan for software updates compliance on the client computer, the software update will no longer show as pending and compliance reports will no longer show the software update as required on the client computer.
Possible Solution
To prevent this issue, client computers should not install required software updates using a method other than the Software Updates Client Agent.
Expired Software Updates Cannot Be
Removed from an Active Deployment
After the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates is removed from the hierarchy, the software updates metadata specific to the tool will be set to an expired state. When there are active deployments that deploy software updates to SMS 2003 clients, the software updates in the deployment will display as expired but cannot be removed. The deployment will continue to work for the valid software updates, but the deployment will be displayed with a gray icon indicating that there are expired updates in the deployment.
Possible Solution
To prevent this issue, clear the Deploy software updates to SMS 2003 clients setting in the properties for all active deployments before removing the Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates.