Topic Last Updated—August 2008

The Reporting Services node in the Configuration Manager 2007 R2 console displays all reporting services points configured for your site. Selecting any reporting services point provides further options.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 and Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

This node contains the following element.

Reporting services point list

Displays a list of all reporting services points configured on your site. To add a new reporting services point, see How to Create a Reporting Services Point for SQL Reporting Services.

The actions described in the following table are available on the reporting services reporting node.

Action Description

Give Feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Provides the following view options:

  • Add/Remove Columns: Opens the Add/Remove Columns dialog box, which allows you to add or remove information from the reporting services point list.

  • Large Icons: Displays the configured reporting services points using large icons.

  • Small Icons: Displays the configured reporting services points using large icons.

  • List: Displays the configured reporting services points as a list.

  • Details: Displays the configured reporting services points as a list and shows further details about each item.

  • Customize: Opens the Customize View dialog box, where you can specify which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager console.

New Window from Here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.

Export list

Opens the Export List dialog box, which allows you to save the contents of the results pane as a text file.


Opens the associated help topic.

Selecting an existing reporting services point will cause the additional actions described in the following table to be displayed.

Action Description

Create Report

Opens the Create Report wizard, which allows you to create a new SQL Reporting Services report.

Copy Reports to Reporting Services

Opens the Copy Reports to Reporting Services wizard, which allows you to copy existing Configuration Manager 2007 reports to SQL Reporting Services.

Give Feedback

Opens a Configuration Manager 2007 Web site where feedback can be given.


Provides the following view options:

  • Add/Remove Columns: Opens the Add/Remove Columns dialog box, which allows you to add or remove information from the reporting services point list.

  • Large Icons: Displays the configured reporting services points using large icons.

  • Small Icons: Displays the configured reporting services points using large icons.

  • List: Displays the configured reporting services points as a list.

  • Details: Displays the configured reporting services points as a list and shows further details about each item.

  • Customize: Opens the Customize View dialog box, where you can specify which items are displayed in the Configuration Manager console.

New Window from Here

Opens a new console window using the current node as the root node.


Refreshes the display with the most current information.

Export list

Opens the Export List dialog box, which allows you save the contents of the results pane as a text file.


Opens the Report Server Properties dialog box, which allows you to modify the properties of the currently selected reporting services point.


Opens the associated help topic.

See Also