Use the Choose Mapping page in the Import Computer for Out of Band Management Wizard in Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later to specify the file that contains the information for one or more computers that will be imported for AMT provisioning.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later.

This page displays only when the Import computers using a file option is selected on the Select Source page of the wizard.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Import file

Specifies the file that contains the information about the computers that will be imported. Type the path and file name, or click Browse to find the import file.

The import file must be created in the comma-separated values (CSV) format. Use the following format when entering the computer information:


Example: NEWCOMP1,,55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555,05:06:07:08:09:0A

When you provision computers that do not have an operating system installed, ensure that the computer names specified here are also specified during operating system installation. If the same name is not used, Configuration Manager will not be able to connect to the AMT-based computer to manage it out of band after provisioning completes. Additionally, if you need to manage provisioned computers before an operating system is installed (for example, for collecting hardware inventory or power control), you must create DHCP reservations for these computers and then manually update the associated DNS host records with the computer names specified here. DHCP reservations and manual updates of the DNS host records are not necessary when the operating system is installed.

If you are specifying the MEBx password or the remote admin password, they cannot be specified in clear text but must be encoded with Base 64. For more information about how to encode text by using Base 64, see the knowledge base article about sample Base 64 encoding and decoding (

The information for each computer should be created in a new row in the CSV file. If the computer information is not entered using this format, the computer import will fail.

You must specify the SMBIOS GUID, which is required for out of band provisioning. The SMBIOS GUID is also known as the UUID, and your manufacturer should be able to provide this value if you cannot locate it.

Specify the MEBx password if you are importing an AMT-based computer that has not been provisioned but the MEBx password has been changed locally in the BIOS extensions.

Specify both the MEBx password and the AMT remote admin password if the computer has been already been provisioned by an AMT management solution other than Configuration Manager. These values might be automatically obtained for you if the other management solution provides a migration export utility. For more information about this scenario, see Decide How to Migrate from an AMT-Based Management Solution to Out of Band Management in Configuration Manager. However, if you are manually creating an import file that contains passwords, the passwords must be encoded with Base 64. For more information about how to encode text by using Base 64, see the knowledge base article about sample Base 64 encoding and decoding (

When using a CSV file that contains passwords, store the file securely, and ensure that you can access it securely when you run the Import Computer for out of Band Management Wizard.

This file has column headings

Specifies whether the CSV file has column headings. If this setting is selected, the first line of the file will be ignored. By default, this setting is not selected.

File preview

Displays the following information from the imported file:

  • Source Column: Specifies the column number for the data item in the import file.

  • Sample Data: Specifies the data from one row of the import file with an assigned column number for each data item where a Configuration Manager property is assigned.

  • Assign as: Specifies the Configuration Manager property that is assigned to the data item for the source column in the import file.

Select the column for data that needs to be assigned to a different Configuration Manager property, and then select the property from the Assign as drop-down list.


Specifies the column number for the data item in the import file.

Assign as

Specifies the Configuration Manager property that the selected data will be assigned. The following properties are available:

  • Name: Specifies the name of the computer. The name property must be assigned to one of the columns.

  • SMBIOS GUID: Specifies the SMBIOS GUID for the computer. Either the MAC address or the SMBIOS GUID must be assigned to a column.

  • MAC Address: Specifies the MAC address for the computer. Either the MAC address or the SMBIOS GUID must be assigned to a column.

  • Ignore: Specifies that the column should be ignored and not assigned a Configuration Manager property.

  • Variable: Specifies that the column should use a custom variable property. When Variable is selected, the Variable Name setting must also be entered.

Variable name

Specifies the name of the variable if Variable is selected in the Assign as drop-down list. Variable names must be at least two characters and contain no spaces or special characters.


Navigates to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.


Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also