Topic last updated—May 2008

The AMT Remote Admin Account is the account in the Management Engine BIOS extension (MEBx) of AMT-based computers that is used by the server running the out of band service point role to manage some network interface features of AMT in Configuration Manager 2007 SP1, by using the out of band management feature. Configuration Manager automatically sets the remote admin account password for computers that it provisions for AMT, and this is then used for subsequent authenticated access to the AMT firmware. This account is functionally equivalent to the Configuration Manager AMT Provisioning and Discovery Account.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later.

Required Rights and Permissions

There are no required rights and permissions for this account.

Account and Password Creation

The AMT Remote Admin Account cannot be manually created; it is created in the AMT firmware. The AMT Remote Admin Account is named admin and by default, the password is set to admin. The password for the AMT Remote Admin Account can be reconfigured by using the following methods:

  • If the MEBx password has been changed by locally configuring the MEBx and if the AMT-based computer has not yet been provisioned, the password for the AMT Remote Admin Account will be automatically configured with the same value as the MEBx Account password.

  • If the AMT-based computer is provisioned by Configuration Manager, the password for the AMT Remote Admin Account will be automatically configured with a random, strong password.

  • If the AMT-based computer has been provisioned by another AMT management solution, the password for the AMT Remote Admin Account will have been automatically configured by the other management solution. For more information about the AMT Remote Admin Account in a migration scenario, see Decide How to Migrate from an AMT-Based Management Solution to Out of Band Management in Configuration Manager.

Account Location

The account is stored in the Management Engine BIOS extensions of the AMT-based computer. This account does not correspond to any account in Windows.

Account Maintenance

There is no account maintenance in Configuration Manager for the AMT Remote Admin Account.

Security Best Practices

If you specify the password for the AMT Remote Admin Account in the comma-separated values (CSV) file when migrating computers with the Import Computer for Out of Band Management Wizard, ensure that you store the file securely and can access it securely from the Configuration Manager console.

See Also